Snagged my copy for $5 through this year's holiday sale (among other things). Never played, but definitely worth it for the theme alone! I would have picked this up earlier, but remmebered that it was on the holiday sale the past few years, so I waited. For those in the know, how well does this game relate to Beowulf, the literary text? I know Knizia games are generally pasted-on themes, but does this at least corelate to the literature, or is it Beowulf in name only?
FFG Holiday sale: this for $5!
Despite what some people have said, and unlike most knizias, this game really works with the theme. Sure it's a bit abstract, most knizia's are but each episode tilts the basic mechanic to match that part of the story.
And unlike the movie game, it sticks with the plot from the original poem.
Had it for two years now. Kids really loved it but and played it a lot. But after 20 or so games it's gone a bit state. I can still see a few plays from time to time though.
I dunno what FFG's intentions are with this game once they've cleared their stock. Possibly make a silver line edition of it. - certainly the game could fit into a smaller box - possibly it forever, who knows...
I picked it up in the holiday sale for $5, too, and I was really happy with it. I didn't really expect much (because of the price), but I was very pleasantly surprised. From what I could tell, it seemed to follow the literature well, but I'm more of a gamer than a reader, so you may not trust my opinion very much.