Large Creatures and Rubble

By General_Chaos, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

If a hallway (2 space wide) has one square of rubble can a Large creature (4 or more space) move thru it? If so where does it say this?

it can't. flying creatures however could. note that this would only appy to dragons in outdoor encounters, since they have soar, which DOES NOT give them the fly ability in dungeons. they are considered grounded in dungeons. i don't think there's any large creatures flying in dungeons as of now.

eNTi said:

it can't. flying creatures however could. note that this would only appy to dragons in outdoor encounters, since they have soar, which DOES NOT give them the fly ability in dungeons. they are considered grounded in dungeons. i don't think there's any large creatures flying in dungeons as of now.

You are correct. Manticores, Dragons and Demons all have Soar in outdoor encounters, but not Fly. Presumably there isn't enough room for them to spread their wings inside a dungeon.

Large monsters can easily be restrained by things like rubble and water, so the OL needs to be careful about where he spawns them. He also needs to be careful about where he drops a Crushing Block when large monsters are in play, as he might end up trapping them where they can't bother the heroes!

Large Monsters and Terrain
When large monsters move, they can sometimes find
themselves moving across hazardous terrain (lava,
scything blades) twice as often as other figures. Further,
it can often be confusing whether or not beneficial terrain
(trees, elevated terrain) should affect a creature only
partly standing on it. Use the following guidelines to
arbitrate these instances. The overlord may choose
to have a monster affected by any terrain it partially
occupies. A monster MUST be affected by any terrain
it completely occupies. If the monster is
completely occupying multiple terrains, the figure
has to be affected by one of the terrains (Overlord's choice).

I have played that a large creature can ignore obstacles like that since many maps including outdoor encounters would make it impossible for creatures to pass. I always thought that was the intention but anyway if it is not the case i will call it a house rule. Since 90% of the outdoor encounters have corridors that have one line full of water that would make an impossible encounter for the overlord with many of the leaders being trolls and giants.

On another note all large creatures have difficulty in spawing, really bad movement so if you want to restrict them more it kinda makes them useless. For me i have a simply rule that you use any of the 4 or 6 spaces you occupy as the above part of the faq mentions even if it is impassable since there are a whole lot of dungeons and maps that have impassable places otherwise.

Hmmmmm...what is the official ruling on different movement blocking terrain? I think my players would find "I stand on lava and forest and choose to get the bonus from the forest, but not the minus from the lava" very unfair.

The official is the above from the errata and yes a large creature should get that kind of unfair treatment since they have a bunch of minus to start with.

The FAQ keeps changing the rules for how large monsters interact with terrain; every version is full of holes and ambiguities. There's a discussion thread about how to fix them in the FAQ update forum. I recommend using the original rules in the rulebook, or something close to them.

Most people don't seem to interpret the current FAQ ruling as allowing large monsters to move through rubble, though. And it definitely isn't allowed in the original rules.

Not able to move through rumbble and water would mean that alot of outdoor encounters would be unplayable for large monsters and also if they can pass through pits without being affected i would have to say the same would happen with rumble. Alot of dungeons also don't have enough space to even navigate them. Confiding them with one more way would make them quite useless for me at least.

I haven't played outdoor encounters, but lots of people who post here seem to have played entire campaigns without allowing large monsters to move through rubble or water, so I'm pretty sure "unplayable" is simply wrong.

I have no idea why you think that being able to move across small pits has anything to do with moving through rubble. Everyone can move through pits; there's just some penalties if you fall in, and it seems pretty reasonable that you can't "fall in" to a pit that is smaller than you are, both thematically and mechanically. There are also explicit rules in the rulebook giving different behaviors for rubble and pits. Any way I look at it, that argument is just bogus.

Most areas in most dungeons are accessible to large monsters, as long as you don't cut them off with a Crushing Block trap. There are a few that aren't, but I'm fairly confident those are intentional. I've played a substantial amount of Descent without letting large creatures move through rubble, and it does often make large size a liability, but those are the breaks. It's a weakness, but it doesn't render large figures utterly ineffectual or destroy the game.

You're welcome to play with any house rules you like, but your arguments that this house rule is necessary are thoroughly unconvincing, especially considering your history of stark disagreement with the general community on other matters of balance.

Drglord said:

Not able to move through rumbble and water would mean that alot of outdoor encounters would be unplayable for large monsters and also if they can pass through pits without being affected i would have to say the same would happen with rumble. Alot of dungeons also don't have enough space to even navigate them. Confiding them with one more way would make them quite useless for me at least.

DJitD pg9
• Figures cannot move into or through closed doors, blocking obstacles, or enemy figures during their movement.

FAQ pg 2
The overlord may choose to have a monster affected by any terrain it partially occupies .

You only get the choice to ignore the terrain effect when you occupy it. You can't occupy it if you are prevented from entering that space.

Some outdoor encounters are difficult for large monsters. Some are also difficult for small monsters. Some are difficult for the heroes, some are difficult for the OL. The game doesn't generally rest on the result of outdoor encounters, except for Lts, which for the most part don't involve a lot of large monsters moving around a lot. At worst, a Lt can always flee - which might make the difference trying to break a seige, but there is a lot less chance of getting an 'unplayable' (meaning extremely hard, not literally unplayable) location in a Lt fight than having the first raze roll work razing a city when the heroes 'took a chance' on their timing.

If the rules wording is unconvincing (which is possible if english is not your first language and/or a translation isn't tight) then the extremely clear evidence that large monsters are not expected by FFG to enter impassable terrain in the FAQ should.
FAQ pg13
Outdoor Encounter: Ancient Grove
Trees are impassable only to single space figures.
If impassable obstacles are not impassable to large figures then this entire entry is totally unnecessary.