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Gun Transport: This vehicle may transport one squad and one gun. To limber the gun, the vehicle must be in the same hex as the gun and the squad (the squad may be in an antrenchment and may leave the entrenchment as part of the action). As one action, place both the gun and the squad entering the vehicle on the off-board transport marker and fatigue both the gun and the squad. To unlimber the gun, as one action, fatigue the gun and the squad leaving the vehicle and place both the gun and the squad in the same hex as the vehicle. If there is an empty entrenchment in the hex, the squad may enter the entrenchment as part of the entrenchment.
Gun Emplacements: Guns may be placed in entrenchments during setup. These guns may not leave the entrenchment during the game. Guns may still not enter empty entrenchments during the game. Guns in entrenchments may be operated by squads in other entrenchments in the same hex.