CoC Playtesting

By Kennon, in CoC General Discussion

Ok, so this isn't strictly related to the game, but I've been curious about this what seems like a couple years now. Do CoC playtesters actually have an NDA that they're supposed to stick to?

whats nda?

Well, I could tell you if there is a Non Disclosure Agreement or not... buuuut... ;)

Well part of the problem with playtesting is that you don't know what the final product will be like when it's printed for sure. Things can change so drastically that it's just pointless to "leak" info that might not ever see print. I was a playtester for Arkham Horror, World Of Warcraft BG, Descent, Runebound, Doom, Twilight Emperium and many of the expansions... and you never really know what will happen to the final product till the game is released.

Sure, but I still would have expected that part of such an NDA (should it exist, and FFG would be foolish not to have one) would be that you not be openly discussing those things whether they make it in or not. *shrug* I don't know. Perhaps there is nothing against discussing who's a playtester and what they saw so openly. In which case, I've been needlessly concerned.

ive playtest 4 games for ffg and i dont know the exact wording but we're not even supposed to comment on the game until a year after its release, because they do change things from when the last playtest till when they release it. so while your opinion of the finally playtest may have been bad you may not have played the game they released. i figure i can say i playtested games (i hope) cause i made the playtesters credits, so its not a secret really.