Help with effect markers.

By Mandalorian-M2, in Anima: Tactics

hey there again everyone, i just had a question about effect counters if they are Level 1.

scenario for question:

-Chesire v Vayl

-Chesire uses points to attack Vayl and misses two attacks

-Vayl gets the drop on Chesire and damages him with the bonus of Lv 1 SLOW.

-Turn ends

*QUESTION: seeing that a new turn is about to begin, and that counters must be taken off during phase before acting, does SLOW affect CHESIRE this NEW turn?


When you take away that marker Cheshire regens 1 less AP for the round.

Many level 1 effects need to be used at the beginning of a round for them to be helpful or you need to cast/use/cause them twice so the level effects stack up, if your looking for them to last longer.

- Raith

thanks again!

Raith said:


When you take away that marker Cheshire regens 1 less AP for the round.

Many level 1 effects need to be used at the beginning of a round for them to be helpful or you need to cast/use/cause them twice so the level effects stack up, if your looking for them to last longer.

- Raith

In the basic rules that was how it works, but in the advance rules Recovery phase comes before Upkeep phase. So Slow unlike Haste or Heal just needs to be there to work and reduce Cheshire AP recovery. The only reason Haste doesn't act like Slow is due to it also being useful in for special skill upkeep.
