Random question

By Jack and THE Hammer, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Ok i need some help for :

Leech: if the target hero dont have enogh fatigue to loss, he suffer 1 wound for EVERy fatigue he cant lost? or only 1 wound?

ec. Nanok of the sword suffer 3 wounds from a red ferrox, but he only have 1 fatigue. he'll suffer 2 extra wounds or only 1?

Reinforce(RTL): The OL palce the reinforce immediatly out of the board, at the exit space. Can he place as many as he wants at the same exit and considerate all at 1 space from the board? or every exit allow only 2 space to place the reinforce?

Reinforce(SOB): If the outside encounter is against a Liutenant, and there arent PNG ships, the not soaring or swimming monsters, like the skeleton can be place at the edge of the ocean maps? if not Liutenant like the siren can not have reinforce right=?

another one(i cant edit)

A figure with leap, can leap over the water obstacle? or it still forbbidden?

Jack and THE Hammer said:

Leech: if the target hero dont have enogh fatigue to loss, he suffer 1 wound for EVERy fatigue he cant lost? or only 1 wound?

ec. Nanok of the sword suffer 3 wounds from a red ferrox, but he only have 1 fatigue. he'll suffer 2 extra wounds or only 1?

He suffers 1 wound and 1 fatigue as long as he has fatigue remaining, then he suffers 2 wounds for the remainder of the damage dealt. In your example, Nanok will suffer a total of 5 wounds and 1 fatigue loss. (3 wounds are dealt, the first wound removed also removes a fatigue. After that Nanok has no fatigue, so the next two wounds inflict an additional wound each instead.)

Jack and THE Hammer said:

Reinforce(RTL): The OL palce the reinforce immediatly out of the board, at the exit space. Can he place as many as he wants at the same exit and considerate all at 1 space from the board? or every exit allow only 2 space to place the reinforce?

The monsters are placed off the board adjacent to an exit. There are no spaces "off the board." You cannot measure distance in squares away from the board, it's an undefined empty space on the table. When monsters move onto the board, their first MP of movement puts them in one of the two squares bordering the exit (or both squares if the monster is large enough.)

There is no upper limit to the number of monsters which can be put "adjacent" to a single exit when reinforcing. However, if the first few monsters who step onto the board manage to block off enough nearby squares that the rest of the monsters cannot fit completely onto the board, then the rest have to wait until there's room before they can come on.

Jack and THE Hammer said:

A figure with leap, can leap over the water obstacle? or it still forbbidden?

It's been a while since I looked at the Leap rules, but I'm pretty sure it says it ignores all obstacles during movement. So yes, you can Leap over a water obstacle. You can't land in it, though. You can also Leap over rubble by the same token.

Jack and THE Hammer said:

Ok i need some help for :

Leech: if the target hero dont have enogh fatigue to loss, he suffer 1 wound for EVERy fatigue he cant lost? or only 1 wound?

ec. Nanok of the sword suffer 3 wounds from a red ferrox, but he only have 1 fatigue. he'll suffer 2 extra wounds or only 1?

Every, 2 wounds for Nanok.
For every wound token lost due to a Leech attack, [ the target also loses one fatigue (or suffers 1 additional wound, ignoring armor, if the target is out of fatigue), and the attacker immediately heals one wound ]

Jack and THE Hammer said:

Reinforce(RTL): The OL palce the reinforce immediatly out of the board, at the exit space. Can he place as many as he wants at the same exit and considerate all at 1 space from the board? or every exit allow only 2 space to place the reinforce?

There is no reason why more than one monster can be placed at an exit space. THe monsters are not in any space so are not prevented form occupying'the same space'.

Jack and THE Hammer said:

Reinforce(SOB): If the outside encounter is against a Liutenant, and there arent PNG ships, the not soaring or swimming monsters, like the skeleton can be place at the edge of the ocean maps? if not Liutenant like the siren can not have reinforce right=?

Skeletons have swim.
I think you will find that there are no reinforcing monsters without swim or fly/soar for any boat-less encounter.

Jack and THE Hammer said:

A figure with leap, can leap over the water obstacle? or it still forbbidden?

Yes, it can. A leap is not a jump. A leap ignores all obstacles that it leaps over, including rubble and water.
A figure with the Leap ability can make a leap attack. To do so, the figure moves in a straight (i.e., not diagonal) line up to twice its remaining movement, ignoring obstacles and enemy figures. This portion of the figure’s movement cannot pass through walls or closed doors, and must end on an empty space. ...

It isn't very clear, because of a poorly phrased Q and A in the FAQ but I believe that Leaping figures do not actually enter the intervening spaces. Note that guard attacks cannot interrupt the Leap and neither can grapple, though both can happen before or after the leap, and Leaping figures are immune to Aura.

Thank you both :)

I was not sure about leap, because in italian version it was translated at the same way of "jump" so my Rb at first say "you can not jump through obsyacle" and than "if you have jump you can jump through obstacle" -.- but:

the Faq says the leap models can move after a leap if they dont have make any leap attack...but the leap section say ":A figure with the Leap ability can make a leap attack. To do so,
the figure moves in a straight (i.e., not diagonal) line up to twice its remaining movement" .so a model can move or not after a leap considering he should not have more Mp(assuming the leap model is in a dungeon level)?

i have one last question about reinforce too:

probably i miss the page, where exactly the rulebook say the skeletons and the other monstersall have swim? I found only a the sections that explain that models with Soar and swim are placed off the board and the other on the PNG ships.

i know the monsters can enter in water space without getting wouded but only using 2 mp for space instead of the heroes hwo must spend fatigue AND mp and have all others malus, but i 've not suppose that means that all of them have swim

Jack and THE Hammer said:

I was not sure about leap, because in italian version it was translated at the same way of "jump" so my Rb at first say "you can not jump through obsyacle" and than "if you have jump you can jump through obstacle" -.- but:

Wow. I knew there were occasionally issues in translating, but that's just terrible. I can see how it might happen, but really the people doing the translating should be paying attention to this kind of thing.

Jack and THE Hammer said:

the Faq says the leap models can move after a leap if they dont have make any leap attack...but the leap section say ":A figure with the Leap ability can make a leap attack. To do so,
the figure moves in a straight (i.e., not diagonal) line up to twice its remaining movement" .so a model can move or not after a leap considering he should not have more Mp(assuming the leap model is in a dungeon level)?

This is a curious situation. I didn't think a figure with Leap could move after Leaping, I thought the remainder of his MP were consumed in the Leap. I'll wait for others to tackle the correct answer here.

Jack and THE Hammer said:

probably i miss the page, where exactly the rulebook say the skeletons and the other monstersall have swim? I found only a the sections that explain that models with Soar and swim are placed off the board and the other on the PNG ships.

If a monster has Swim, it is listed on the monster stat card that came with SoB.

The FAQ sort of indirectly clarified that Leap always consumes all of your remaining movement points (page 12).

This will, of course, require yet another errata if a single figure can ever acquire both the Leap ability and an option to acquire more movement points mid-turn (e.g. with fatigue).

Steve-O said:

Wow. I knew there were occasionally issues in translating, but that's just terrible. I can see how it might happen, but really the people doing the translating should be paying attention to this kind of thing.

Steve-O said:

If a monster has Swim, it is listed on the monster stat card that came with SoB.

the italian version is one of the worst i guess

in no one SOB monster cards i've found a monster with swim(exept liutenant) but as you and corbon suggest, i should have? i'm checking at it right now but thas nothing different from the RTL monsters cards i'm alredy have.

Naga, Giant, Bane Spider, Golem and Skeleton all have swim. That might not be the full list (I think it is, but there could easily be another monster card in a different pile or place amongst my current mess).

Leap uses all remaining MP, which means you can do non-leap movement before the leap, but not after.

Jack and THE Hammer said:

in no one SOB monster cards i've found a monster with swim(exept liutenant) but as you and corbon suggest, i should have? i'm checking at it right now but thas nothing different from the RTL monsters cards i'm alredy have.

None of them? Out of curiosity, do the monster cards from your SoB set show the blue ship's wheel icon for SoB, or do they show the same green tree icon as RtL? Perhaps you got the wrong set of cards in your box.

Steve-O said:

Jack and THE Hammer said:

in no one SOB monster cards i've found a monster with swim(exept liutenant) but as you and corbon suggest, i should have? i'm checking at it right now but thas nothing different from the RTL monsters cards i'm alredy have.

None of them? Out of curiosity, do the monster cards from your SoB set show the blue ship's wheel icon for SoB, or do they show the same green tree icon as RtL? Perhaps you got the wrong set of cards in your box.

Nope for both question.

The RTL and Sob monster cards dont have the green and the Blue dot , but at the first time i'm not surprise because they are different enogh from the old basic card thanks to the copper, silver, gold and diamond symbol. When i've purchased Sob i've cheched the card searching for some changes in the stats, but thery are exactly the same of the RTL monster card(in my verision of course)