Blank Cards?

By crimhead, in Cosmic Encounter

Hey FFG, I'd like to request blank cards in a future expansion so as to facilitate encorperating our homemade cards with your excellent edition of the game. They also make for good replacements. Otherwise, keep up the great work.



Of course, if you want to add my homebrew aliens and flares to the next expansion, that'd work, too.

Maybe blank cards could be sold in a little booster package, rather than take up space in an expansion.

That would make more sense so you could buy as many of them as you need without getting unnecessary duplicates of the rest of the hypothetical expansion.

Blanks for which deck, though? Cosmic deck? Rewards deck? Tech? Hazards? Destiny?

I can see wanting blanks for all of those.

The regular deck would be the most relevant so you could add flares for homebrew aliens, but yea, all would be nice.

I have always liked the idea of 'blank cards' in games to inspire the imagination of the players. Having just got back into playing Cosmic again, all the old excitment I had with my old (very old) original Eon set + 9 expansions from the mid 70s has returned. Well done to FFG for the excellant version. My old set can now be retired and left in a place of honour before it completely disintegrates.

It will take me a bit more time to get out of old habits like using 'tokens' to establish 'bases' with the help of 'edicts', but it is great to see that FFG is continuing to support this classic with its 3rd expansion. Of the original Eon expansions yet to see the light of day, my most favourite was 'MOONS'. My least favourite was 'LUCRE'. Players just got too big hands and decks ran out. Hence my 'blank card' invention of 'Black Hole' which discarded all cards in a players hand! That could stop an offensive attack in its tracks or give a weak defender a new hand. The one expansion that would be difficult to reproduce is 'Unique Planetry Systems'. The old set gave stickers for the back of the hexagonal home systems. Since these were like an additional Power, I can't see a good reason to try to recreate.

To return to the original thread, 'blank cards' with backs printed for 'Normal deck', 'Rewards', 'Destiny', 'Technology', 'Flares' and the latest 'Hazards' should be easy to produce and create lots of great new ideas. Many other games have run competitions for the best ideas which have ended up in future expansions. I am all for this. There were downloads even in the old days for literally hundreds of Alien Powers. Cheers!