RTL and monster reward

By PDT, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

If you use knockback on a monster and i drops in a pit and dies from the fall, you dont get the Conquest Tokens...My question is:

What if a monster dies from a bleed, burn token.. does the hero still gets the Conquest Tokens for killing the monster..?.

because the dark priest only gives the hero,the dark cures when the hero gives the killing blow..

i would say heroes get the conquest tokens but not the gold, if a monster dies by a lingering effect or knockback- pit or something alike...

because if monsters can die from falling into a pit, (or if they get killed by other monsters,and so on) and the heroes get no conquest tokens, than named monsters would become prime targets for the Ol, ether by jumping into pits with then, or lava or whatever... or it would be in the OLs interest to nuke them with other monsters...

PDT said:

If you use knockback on a monster and i drops in a pit and dies from the fall, you dont get the Conquest Tokens...My question is:

What if a monster dies from a bleed, burn token.. does the hero still gets the Conquest Tokens for killing the monster..?.

because the dark priest only gives the hero,the dark cures when the hero gives the killing blow..

The only monsters that award Conquest Tokens upon their death are bosses (in vanilla) and dungeon leaders in an Advanced Campaign. The vanilla rulebook appear to be silent about the whole Conquest gain, actually, so I'm left to assume it's a special rule that gets mentioned in basically every quest, but without access to my quest book I can't quote any rules. Not that it really matters in vanilla since the quest ends as soon as the boss dies.

Regarding dungeon leaders in AC, here's the relevant passage form the rules:

"Unless otherwise stated, the leader on each dungeon level
carries a red runekey. Upon killing the leader, the heroes
immediately receive it and can open the corresponding red
rune-locked door. Additionally, the heroes receive 100 coins
and 2 conquest tokens for killing a dungeon level leader "

The term "killing blow" is not used here. And it's a good thing, too, otherwise in most dungeon levels, killing a dungeon leader by indirect means would prevent the heroes from advancing to the next level! Not to mention cheating them out of hard earned CTs. The money from such a dungeon leader is also apparently awarded the same way, which is a marked difference from the way other cash rewards, such as a master's bounty, are given out.

The money awarded by killing a master monster is awarded to the hero who scores a "killing blow," if that's what you meant. And no, that money will not be awarded from bleed, burn, pit, necromancied monster attack or any other indirect kill. For anything that refers to a "killing blow" the hero must kill the monster from the damage caused by his actual attack roll (including any surge bonuses.) If the monster survives the dice, anything else that might kill him later doesn't count. Also note that undying monsters must stay dead after taking the damage from the attack roll, or it doesn't count.

On page 19 of the Sea of Blood rule book, it states the following:

Rewards for Defeating Leaders
Unless otherwise stated, the leader on each dungeon level
carries a red runekey. Unless otherwise specified, upon the
leader’s death (whether caused by the heroes or not) , the heroes
immediately receive it and can open the corresponding red
rune-locked door. Additionally , the heroes receive 100 coins
and 2 conquest tokens.

I would read this as regardless how the leader dies, the heroes still gain their reward.

Jonny WS said:

On page 19 of the Sea of Blood rule book, it states the following:

Rewards for Defeating Leaders
Unless otherwise stated, the leader on each dungeon level
carries a red runekey. Unless otherwise specified, upon the
leader’s death (whether caused by the heroes or not) , the heroes
immediately receive it and can open the corresponding red
rune-locked door. Additionally , the heroes receive 100 coins
and 2 conquest tokens.

I would read this as regardless how the leader dies, the heroes still gain their reward.

Indeed. The whole Killing Blow thing is only for the 50coins for killing unnamed Master monsters. It does not apply to Leaders or Lts.