Getting this game for my father on Christmas...

By Erluti, in Wings of War

Kind of frustrating because I posted this this morning, got a useful response and went to see if anyone else responded and there's a new forum.

But anyway.

I've only played a demo with him and I want to get him a starter box to get all the necesarry stuff (like damage cards) as well as 4 miniatures. The guy who responded to my original post said that "Flying Aces" was the way to go for the starter, but the guy who ran the demo said that "Burning Drachens" is the way to go because it has all the starter stuff plus latest rules and other extras.

Any more input on the starter choice and which four minis to get (hoping for balance, if that's an issue)?

Erluti said:

I've only played a demo with him and I want to get him a starter box to get all the necesarry stuff (like damage cards) as well as 4 miniatures. The guy who responded to my original post said that "Flying Aces" was the way to go for the starter, but the guy who ran the demo said that "Burning Drachens" is the way to go because it has all the starter stuff plus latest rules and other extras.

Any more input on the starter choice and which four minis to get (hoping for balance, if that's an issue)?

In your case, I would recommend Burning Drachens. I think it is the best box to buy if you are going for the minis because it has the most updated rules and most other stuff that is nice. If you would go for the cards version, I think Famous Aces is better though. I can't answer the second question right away since I don't have the stuff in front of me at the moment, but I might respond later.

godfeather said:

Erluti said:

I've only played a demo with him and I want to get him a starter box to get all the necesarry stuff (like damage cards) as well as 4 miniatures. The guy who responded to my original post said that "Flying Aces" was the way to go for the starter, but the guy who ran the demo said that "Burning Drachens" is the way to go because it has all the starter stuff plus latest rules and other extras.

Any more input on the starter choice and which four minis to get (hoping for balance, if that's an issue)?

In your case, I would recommend Burning Drachens. I think it is the best box to buy if you are going for the minis because it has the most updated rules and most other stuff that is nice. If you would go for the cards version, I think Famous Aces is better though. I can't answer the second question right away since I don't have the stuff in front of me at the moment, but I might respond later.

I'd have to agree with Burning Drachens too.

Just to let you know, the old boards will still be up for about 2 weeks. So you can check to see if someone responded to your old thread.

I haven't played this game enough to really give an opinion on the subject.

When Istarted I got "Aces" because a friend had introduced me to it. I still think it is a good starter for learning the basics. You can download the more advanced rules from our other site for another week or so." Drachens " rules are also on there. Having said this, I went out and got Drachens almost immeadiatley for the baloon strafing. As far as aircraft go, get a Camel, Spad, Focker Dr 1, and an Albertross. This will get you going and allow you to vary the game enough to discover the various attributes of the aircraft. My favourite solo game is still Spad against Dr 1. I don't mind which one I play.

Great idea for a present for your dad!

For the game, I'd go withBurning Drachens as it does provide more options for gameplay. It is recommended for 1 or 2 players. Famous Aces is designed for 2-4 players. I think BD has enough damage decks to handle 4 players - if they are all A damage planes. It may not have enough consoles, but not everyone uses them anyway.

Then get 4 of the Series 1 minis (Fokker DR1, Albatross, Camel, Spad XIII). If you want to use some the 2-seaters from Series 2, you need the B damage deck from Watch Your Back (some do use the A deck). Stick with Series 1 for now.

I wish my son would put a couple of minis from Series 3 under our tree...

Yep, I agree...go with Burning Drachens. It also has a few 'solo' scenarios (though you can download the rules for free)...W

I fear I must disaggree with the people suggesting BURNING DRAGONS as your best choice.

Hm, reading that I must admit I find that a bit of a bold statement myself as I don't even own the game yet.

But fact is I have it on the way and I bought the WOW DELUXE set, this comes with all you might need, including 4 miniatures. I must admit I did consider the DRAGON set, but was put off by the fact there are no baloons in it. I think the miniatures make the game more fun. As soon as they have balloons I'll surely go for that one.

Of course it is possible you all are not familiar with the DELUXE set in the States, I understand it's not for sale everywhere. I bought my copy from a german shop and if you're interested I'm most happy to send you the address of their webshop. But if you're in the US the cost of transport might be offputting. I know it is when ordering from Europe.

I've not seen any of the delux sets on sail down here. (admitedly, we arn't exactly in the center of things gui%C3%B1o.gif ). The only person I know who has one ordered it from Germany.

There is a lot of cool rules in BD, I love the anti aircraft gun rules.

yes, that's what I said, from Germany.


Erluti - What did you end up getting for your dad? Did he like it?