Here's one that came up in our group last dungeon.
An Ogre with "Knockback" smacks a hero. Knockback states the target is moved in any directions up to 3 squares. So, can the victim be moved over or behind the monster doing the knockback? Can the hero be 'thrown' over other nearby monsters?
We had two schools of thought:
a) Knockback represents a large creatures ability to easly fling about smaller creatures. So a giant or ogre can fling a hero in any direction, even over his sholder. As long as the final landing square is empty. The target creature can be knocked back over monsters and heroes alike.
b) Strictly by the language of the rule, the target model is 'moved' up to 3 squares. One of our players felt since the term 'moved' was used, that the movement rules should apply. Therfore the target could not be knocked back 'over' other monsters, since you can't move through monsters normally. Interestingly, with this interpretation you could still knock the hero back through other heroes, since heroes can move through each other.
Thoughts? How does your group play this rule?