i know the question sounds weird, but this game looks simple and fun, and compared to the usual games i play very quick. I can see how serious gamers looking for tactical sessions might become frustrated with this, but im kind of looking at dungeonquest as being a door into a fantasy setting, which is difficult to get 'mainstream' friends to accept, as well as a kind of party game, what you can play while gossiping and stuff, a bit like hungry hungry hippos, which is also 4 player, and doesnt last very long.
is this more of a party game?
I would say your description would definitely fit this game. You have very few decisions to make, you mostly controlled by the cards and the dungeon tiles. Sometimes things will go your way, most of the time it won't. A lot of the fun is seeing all the misfortune happen to everyone. Definitely a game more apt to socializing since there isn't much concentration needed in deciding what to do next.
Agreed. It's pure frivolous fun! Moreso if you ditch the card combat that was crowbarred into the new edition and go with the traditional combat variant or another quicker one.
Indeed. Being doing that myself a couple of times and it works just fine. It's nice to have a game where decisions don't get too complicated as quantum of beers go up.
However, careful with spilling. Sadly that is a problem as well. More beer, more accidents are bound to happen. Having a boardgame made out of paper, well, you can imagine
Yikes! Beer and boardgames are definitely a risky mix. Cut off anyone who even slops a on the table itself... or make them put their beer across the room. If they want, they can get up and drink it there.
It's a **** happy party game.The only thing you can do is surfering your bad luck!
Beer. Thats why they make card sleeves.
We used to run the old version at events. It was noticed that the fun increased as the beer flowed.
I use to when I have friends over who have no idea what to do in a fantasy game. This game is easy for them. Move, flip card, and die lol.