When does the Morph morph?

By Toomai, in Cosmic Encounter

Was playing a game last night. Had an encounter with Green (I was Yellow). Green played and N while I played the M. Green then played Wild Pacifist, making his card a 15. Green (backed up by Red) proceeded to argue that the Morph became an N before the flare was played, and thus making the score 15 to N.

So there's the question. Does the M turn into the opponent's encounter card instantly, or only once all effects on that encounter card (Wild Pacifist, Wild Human, etc.) have been applied? (I know it would work after powers such as Mirror and Tripler.)

"The morph card becomes an exact duplicate of the opponent's encounter card when revealed." Page 10.

"When revealed" would be the key words. Whenever you have an alien or flare that affects the opposing player's card, you always go according to the face value (usually it'll say so), and that applies to Morph, too; otherwise, you'll end up in hopeless timing conflicts.

Adam said:

"The morph card becomes an exact duplicate of the opponent's encounter card when revealed." Page 10.

"When revealed" would be the key words. Whenever you have an alien or flare that affects the opposing player's card, you always go according to the face value (usually it'll say so), and that applies to Morph, too; otherwise, you'll end up in hopeless timing conflicts.

It makes perfect sense. The morph duplicates the ENCOUNTER card that is played. Your M became an N; everything else happens afterwards.

Also, that's not a legal play for the wild Pacifist. You (the opponent) did NOT reveal an attack card; the text on the wild Pacifist is specific about "attack card."

TheDukester said:

Also, that's not a legal play for the wild Pacifist. You (the opponent) did NOT reveal an attack card; the text on the wild Pacifist is specific about "attack card."

But anyway, I get that the Morph copies the card and not the effects.