"Increased Priority" Strategy Card Question

By player338749, in Tide of Iron

Does anyone already familiar with TIDE OF IRON answer the following question involving strategy cards: Are the effects of having more than one "Increased Priority" card (it's a card which appears in the Artillery I strategy deck) in one's playing area cumulative? or not? For example, if a player already has two (x2) "Increased Priority" cards in his playing area would the cost to activate another Artillery card therefore be reduced by 2 command points (to a minimum of zero) and when attempting to establish contact with an activated Artillery card, would +2 be added to the die roll result for that attempt?

That's how we play.

rhall60918 said:

For example, if a player already has two (x2) "Increased Priority" cards in his playing area would the cost to activate another Artillery card therefore be reduced by 2 command points (to a minimum of zero) and when attempting to establish contact with an activated Artillery card, would +2 be added to the die roll result for that attempt?

That is how I understand the card and the rules.

Hmm, I wonder if the "Increased Priority" card itself should be excluded from the 'costs 1 less' of the other card. I've seen 'other' games that implement that type of mechanic.