Blocked feat and Blast

By JFresh, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


Quick question: If the Overlord uses a lava bettle, with Blast 1 and targets an empty space, can I use the Blocked Feat card to counter it? If so, and I don't roll the surge, is the miss result a miss for the entire roll or just for my character? Also, would this card even work since the OL was targeting a space and not my character personally?



All attacks target spaces.

From the FAQ, page 17:

Q: Blocked: Does the attack miss all of its targets, or only the hero who played the card (the card says the "attack against you becomes a miss")?
A: Because you are changing a die to a miss result, all heroes targeted by the attack would evade the attack.

Somewhat odd answer, since the card doesn't actually say anything about changing a die, but it's what we've got.