There is considerable dispute over whether a hero may trigger Rapid Fire after the OL has used Dark Charm to make an attack with that hero.
Clearly the OL may not use Rapid Fire, as he cannot spend fatigue to activate it. Equally clearly (for most people) the hero cannot trigger Rapid Fire while the OL player has control, as Rapid Fire is not a defensive option and is not therefore remaining under hero control.
The use of Rapid Fire specifies that the fatigue must be spent 'immediately' after the attack.
The technical argument comes down to exact timing and such abstract concepts as 'simultaneous' effects and 'hand over of control'. The thematic argument is, as always, a matter of personal choice.
There is a long, possibly boring and at times almost painfully abstract thread available
, if technical details are necessary (probably not worth the effort of reading).
A quick summary might say:
1. Rapid Fire triggers "immediately after an attack"
2. Only the hero player can trigger Rapid Fire, and not when the OL is in control of the hero.
3. The OL controls the hero "for that attack"
4. There must be a change of general control back to the hero before the hero can use rapid fire.
5. The change of control is either simultaneous with the end of the attack, or sequentially after the end of the attack.
6a. If change of control is simultaneous with the end of the attack, then the Rapid Fire can be used 'immediately' - therefore Rapid Fire can be used.
6b. If change of control is after the end of the attack, then we have a sequence 'end of attack' -> 'change of control' -> 'Activate Rapid Fire' but Rapid Fire is not being 'immediately' used due to a required interruption in the sequence between 'end of attack' and 'Activate Rapid Fire' = therefore Rapid Fire may not be used.
Q. If the OL Dark Charms a hero with Rapid Fire and makes an attack, can the hero use that attack as a trigger to activate Rapid Fire?
A1. Yes. The hero must make the attack immediately after the Dark Charm is finished.
A2. No. The hero cannot activate Rapid Fire 'immediately' while under the control of the OL and thus cannot activate Rapid Fire at all in this circumstance.