Heavy Armor keyword question

By Hans Chung-Otterson, in Battles of Westeros

Okay, so...the Heavy Armor Keyword says that "a unit with this keyword defends as if it were a unit of one rank higher"

But I can't find anything in the rules about defending and how it works at different ranks. It's really confusing. We're about to play, and we're just going to play it that a unit with Heavy Armor (like Maege) acts as one rank higher for the purposes of doing actions off the order table. Is that how it works, or have I just missed some big thing in the book about defending?


A unit with a "Heavy armor" keyword is considered (but only for a matter of defending) as a one rank higher.

A rank means (in this case) symbols that you have to roll on your (attack) dice to cause a hit to that unit.

So if you have for example a blue heavy armor infantry unit and you attack it with one your red unit, you will roll 4 attack dice (for a simplicity).

But because that unit is considered one rank higher (for a matter of defending), you will hit it only with dice that will have red shield symbol (or valor symbol).

If that blue heavy armor infantry unit attacks, it behaves like a normal blue unit (not as a red unit).

A red heavy armor unit can be hit only with red shield symbols and it completely ignores valor symbols (it can not ignore red shields, becaus than it would be immortal happy.gif ).

Awesome, thanks. I don't think there's ANY way I could have understood that from the rulebook.

Ah, now I understand. I missed the fact that when I'm a green unit attacking a blue unit, I need to roll blue shields to hit. We played it where green needed green, blue needed, blue, etc. No wonder I was confusedI couldn't see how red was a better unit than blue which was a better unit than green.