Edge has generously made the new Anima rulebook revision (Core Exxet) available as a PDF, so I snapped up a copy. (Saving myself about $40 in the process). While most of the changes seem fairly minor so far, there are a number of very useful additions in there, most notably something that people have been seeking for awhile now: Namely, tables that give hard rulings on how Athleticism, Jump, Swim etc. work.
I've translated the tables and made them available in the following excel file - It'll camp out at Megaupload for a bit, until it makes a permanent home at my campaign's wiki.
Quick Note:
Athleticism - Three types of rolls here.
1) To see how long you can run at max speed.
2) To see how long you can run before losing a point of Fatigue.
3) To attempt to increase your Movement value beyond its normal maximum
Everything else should be self explanatory.