Rumors: does the Great Maelstrom count?

By Ispher, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

We have the following question: while in Garnott, can heroes place a rumor whose distance is 3 on Midnight Cove?

In other words, does the possibility of entering the Great Maelstrom count for the minimum distance of rumor trails, and if yes, does it count for 1 trail or for 2 trails (2 trails are pictured on the map, but the ship travels through them in 1 week)?

The rules say: The location they choose cannot be closer (along the shortest possible route) to the party marker than the distance in trail-lengths listed in the upper right corner of the Rumor card (p. 21).

That happened in our game (Midnight Cove seemed so far away from Garnott and we didn't consider that possibility), and we'd like to know if we made a mistake.

Thanks a lot for any help.

According with the rulebook pag 15 "the great malestorm" pag 15

This entire process counts as moving along one trail.

Traveling in the malestorm it a valid trail and it counts as 1 So no, because from Garnott it's only 2 trail.

Of course the malestorm it's some kind of teleport, and in the world map garnott it 5 trail far from midnight cove, but if you can use the malestorm, it'will become a valid trail for the count

Jack and THE Hammer said:

According with the rulebook pag 15 "the great malestorm" pag 15

This entire process counts as moving along one trail.

Traveling in the malestorm it a valid trail and it counts as 1 So no, because from Garnott it's only 2 trail.

Of course the malestorm it's some kind of teleport, and in the world map garnott it 5 trail far from midnight cove, but if you can use the malestorm, it'will become a valid trail for the count

Good catch for the rulebook quotation. One part of my question is answered.

I don't think it should be dependent on the ability to use the Maelstrom (of having the Dead Man's Compass) however; the Maelstrom should either count or not.

A reading as written of the rules makes it seem like it should count; flavorwise, it could be argued that entering the Great Maelstrom is teleporting to a distant place, and thus shouldn't count for rumor distance.

I would almost propose that question for the FAQ, but then I'm just a guy asking a question. We're simply going to discuss within our group if we let that rumor stay there or not.

I know that thematic arguments are worth virtually nothing in Descent, but the rumors that the heros can get word of in the tavern have to be brought to the city by some other patrons, traders, travellers and the like.

Unless it is common for trade vessels and the like to travel through the Maelstrom routinely, I would not place the rumor within a distance that uses the Maelstrom.

the maelstorm is a teleport and we all agreed with that, but:

Iif it used, it count as moving action along one trial,so it must be count for the minimum distance for placinga rumors.

You can found a confim of that in the RB

Taking from the Sob RB:

"If the new Rumor card becomes the active Rumor, the hero
players must next decide which dungeon or island location on
the Torue Albes map they must travel to in order to face the
Rumor’s dangers and – if they are successful – claim the
Rumor’s reward. The location they choose cannot be closer
( along the shortest possible route ) to the party marker than the
distance in trail-lengths listed in the upper right corner of the
Rumor card."

if you are allowed to use a shortest trial, (even in RTL when you can moving along secret or water trial) it count for the minimun distance. Maelstorm it's considered 1 trial and it's the shortest way, So make the midnight cove to close to the group marker

OT: you have make a really good question btw, and i will include in my personal faq :)