NPC Favors

By enoto, in Android

Just to clarify, can NPC Favors be spent for the major location abilitiies which specify "normal favors"?

I think they can, because in the NPC Favors section the rulebook mentions that "NPC favor may be spent as though they were one of two or more different types of normal favors, as shown on the token." But I'm not sure why the major ability description abilities specify "normal favors" specifically.

Yes, NPC favors are wild for the colors dipicted on them. So you can spend it at a major location. I assume the reason they say "normal favor" is because that is the name of the item you are spending, to indicate you can use any of the 4 favor types.

Hi and let me ask a question here since it's about NPC favours too - Do players start the game with all relevant NPC favours or only one per NPC? For example Raymond starts with 1 Kate favour, Nisei with 2: Daniel and mr.ching (don;t remember his name now)

You only start with the NPC-Favors that are printed on the front of the character card. So Rachel for example starts without any NPC favor, while Louis gets two Mr. Li and one Sara favor. The other favors form the pool.

Including the special NPC favour of which there are 3 tokens provided in the game and no use for them whatsoever as none of the cards provide them gui%C3%B1o.gif

Paul Grogan said:

Including the special NPC favour of which there are 3 tokens provided in the game and no use for them whatsoever as none of the cards provide them gui%C3%B1o.gif

Now there's a conspiracy!