Message for other GMs.

By DrgnScorpion, in Deathwatch Gamemasters

Cap the Righteous Fury of your players. Oh god, cap it. I have had a Hive Tyrant taken out to Kraken Bolts due to the first 2 having: Bolt 1 - 7 Righteous Furies, Bolt 2 - 5 Righteous Furies.

I would say cap the Righteous Fury at 3 and spend a Fate Point to add one more. Thus making it easier for the enemies to actually....get a chance to swing if they are Masters.

Well, I am not quite sure what was FFG's goal when they buffed RF in RT and DW, but I pretty much agree with you.

I would have to agree my players recently blitzed the final scene in my game eliminating 25 asensieon level storm trooper and an asenseion level rouge trader leading them , before they fired a single shot. The storm waden tac marine leading them gave everyone a free suprise round and they spent fate points to go first. Tearing boltguns plus RF full auto.... i stopped counting the RF after my 5th player rolled three in a row as well. im thinking about capping as well next game they come across elite level enemy who i'd prefer didnt die in one turn.

DrgnScorpion said:

Cap the Righteous Fury of your players. Oh god, cap it. I have had a Hive Tyrant taken out to Kraken Bolts due to the first 2 having: Bolt 1 - 7 Righteous Furies, Bolt 2 - 5 Righteous Furies.

I would say cap the Righteous Fury at 3 and spend a Fate Point to add one more. Thus making it easier for the enemies to actually....get a chance to swing if they are Masters.

Almost no experienced 40K Roleplay GM uses the DW Righteous Fury rule is my impression. The standard 'bug fix' is to either use the DH rule of adding only 1d10 to damage instead of the whole full damage or to allow every d10 to be re-rerolled, adding to damage, which is what I use.



we use the DH rules for RF, adding an extra d10 (with tearing still applying for the roll),

Tho I will warn you last session I did manage to 1 shot a Hive Tyrant with a Stalker Boltgun thans to max DoS on the shot after an aim, hellfire rounds, and 4 out of my first 5 dice coming up 10, needless to say the gm was less than happy as the tryant only turned up as a punishment for me killing the carnifex he originally sent in 2 shots.


Surak said:


we use the DH rules for RF, adding an extra d10 (with tearing still applying for the roll),

Tho I will warn you last session I did manage to 1 shot a Hive Tyrant with a Stalker Boltgun thans to max DoS on the shot after an aim, hellfire rounds, and 4 out of my first 5 dice coming up 10, needless to say the gm was less than happy as the tryant only turned up as a punishment for me killing the carnifex he originally sent in 2 shots.


Normally I would put down something productive... but I just had to LOL at this. gran_risa.gif

Yes, I also follow the DH rules for just re-rolling the 10 until you stop rolling 10's... not the whole damage roll.

Maybe we're just playing it wrong, but we have yet to have righteous fury come up like like this.

Just to confirm, it only comes up when you roll a 10 on one of the damage dice, and it allows you to add another damgage dice right, that also has the same effect if it rolls a 10, I'm at work right now, so my books not handy.


Phaedron2 said:

Maybe we're just playing it wrong, but we have yet to have righteous fury come up like like this.

Just to confirm, it only comes up when you roll a 10 on one of the damage dice, and it allows you to add another damgage dice right, that also has the same effect if it rolls a 10, I'm at work right now, so my books not handy.


No, what your group is doing is how Righteous Fury is played from DH. In Deathwatch, upon rolling a 10 the player makes another attack roll (or not if attacking a Xenos). If the second attack roll hits, the player makes another damage roll that is exactly the same as the first damage roll.

For example, the damage roll for a bolter is 3d10+5, dropping the lowest die. If a 10 is rolled and RF is confirmed, then the player rolls another 3d10+5. If a 10 is rolled again, then roll another 3d10+5; etc, etc. etc.

A lot of players/DM have house ruled RF in DW to have the same effect as RF in DH.


I haven't had any problems with it yet. Sometimes the dice just come up funny, and a person gets a one in a hundred shot, which is what 7 righteous furies are.

Just have the Deathwatch recognize these people are killing big beasties quickly and send them on a big game hunt. Alternatively, give all your NPCs the touched by fate trait, and you will eventually do it right back.

Delahunt said:

Alternatively, give all your NPCs the touched by fate trait, and you will eventually do it right back.

The problem there is that most Deathwatch players do not have upward of 80 wounds to survive such an attack. Given the sheer amount of damage rolls that a Horde can toss out there, that would lead to a TPK in short order.

I think I might do the DH way for RF to save time and trouble. Kraken bolts make it a 9 and 10 for confirmation and Deathwatch Training is auto confirm on Xenos. Making it a d10 still makes it go high but it does eliminate the massive amount of damage that could happen. Oh, send in one unaugmented Lictor from DH...I one shotted a Space Marine on an ambush...god that felt great.

IMO a to make deathwatch true to canon, at least one SM should die or be critically wounded during the mission. and yes a lichtor should be able to one shot a SM or two.

This is DW not Bunny Watch... Bunnys don't scream for the emperor and charge with a maniac glee!

SpawnoChaos said:

Delahunt said:

Alternatively, give all your NPCs the touched by fate trait, and you will eventually do it right back.

The problem there is that most Deathwatch players do not have upward of 80 wounds to survive such an attack. Given the sheer amount of damage rolls that a Horde can toss out there, that would lead to a TPK in short order.

True, but righteous fury does that. 40k is very much the epitome of an "anyone can kill anyone" type universe. Even with the DH version of RF you can get 8-9 righteous furies on one attack, trust me I've done it.

Giving the enemies RFs as well makes it even, and will keep players respecting what happens when even a mob of peasants can take down a Space Marine if they're REALLY lucky.

Delahunt said:

SpawnoChaos said:

Delahunt said:

Alternatively, give all your NPCs the touched by fate trait, and you will eventually do it right back.

The problem there is that most Deathwatch players do not have upward of 80 wounds to survive such an attack. Given the sheer amount of damage rolls that a Horde can toss out there, that would lead to a TPK in short order.

True, but righteous fury does that. 40k is very much the epitome of an "anyone can kill anyone" type universe. Even with the DH version of RF you can get 8-9 righteous furies on one attack, trust me I've done it.

Giving the enemies RFs as well makes it even, and will keep players respecting what happens when even a mob of peasants can take down a Space Marine if they're REALLY lucky.

While I can respect the notion, it's no longer a matter of "luck" when you deal with the amount of attacks that's thrown at them from a single Horde. They are going to be shot/stabbed to death in short order. It's a matter of time.

I can't tell you how many times I've rolled multiple 10's on the damage dice from a single horde with their allocated shots. If they were all RF, my party that I DM for would be dead 5x over.

I can respect "luck" when it happens. This is no longer a matter of simple "luck" using this method.

My group agrees with changing RF to the DH way and seeing how it goes. If it is still horrible then the only 3 times before capped will be launched. But hopefully this time I"ll be able to use my Big Baddie.

SpawnoChaos said:

Delahunt said:

Alternatively, give all your NPCs the touched by fate trait, and you will eventually do it right back.

The problem there is that most Deathwatch players do not have upward of 80 wounds to survive such an attack. Given the sheer amount of damage rolls that a Horde can toss out there, that would lead to a TPK in short order.

I've always assumed that the extra damage from horde attacks already takes righteous fury into account (with that many attacks coming your way, some of them will hit weak spots). So I'd suggest giving RF to every non-horde NPC. Not the full Touched by the Fates trait as most NPCs will not be getting fate points.

Still trying to decide with my players how we should handle Righteous Fury. I am inclined to just do it the Dark Heresy way (which we've played a ton of and it has worked fine), but I have given them the option of using the as written Deathwatch Righteous Fury rules. I have told them it goes both ways though, and if they want to do it the new way I don't want anyone upset when a genestealer pops out in a surprise round and righteous furies them to death before they get a chance to act.

Only problem with that is the rules state that only those with fate points can use Righteous Fury. So big end baddies and your players. Though, if a Genestealer hits with all attacks and gets teh double pen, it should be good for taking out a space marine in an ambush on its own.

Always enjoyed exploding dice as a means of getting critical damage but my group only re-roll the dice that came up 10's and need to roll the second attack roll regardless of the target.