Looking to learn the game in Minnesota

By Time 2 Roll, in CoC Organized Play

Hi all, I just won this game at a Heroscape tournament and it looks very cool. But I'd love to find someone in the area who can help me learn the game's strategies beyond the rule book and the video on BGG.

Thanks in advance for any replies.

Do you live close enough to the FFG Event Center in Roseville? That's your best bet, I think. Not only do they play there, there's pretty much no place else you can be more certain to find purchases for the game.

What part of the state do you live in?

I'm in Princeton but could come to FFGEC if someone else was coming to play CoC.

It's just a 45 minute drive (like everything else when you live in Princeton).

Time 2 Roll said:

I'm in Princeton but could come to FFGEC if someone else was coming to play CoC.

It's just a 45 minute drive (like everything else when you live in Princeton).

My GF and I go to the FFG EC frequently to play CoC. A few other people have shown interest. Would love to start league with at least bi weekly attendance. Its difficult enough finding other players, but scheduling to where everywone can attend is like herding cats at this point.

We are typically there on fridays or saturdays on a very loose basis. But could go on other days depending on when people are available. We could go on just about any day after 3PM.