Tahlia Guarding

By Corbon, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Tahlia receives movement points as a result of her ability (it's the same wording as always), so she can perform movement actions with them. Note that if she opens a chest or a door or whatever, that's okay. It simply gets resolved and then (once her interrupt action is done) the OL's turn continues as normal. Think of it sort of as her getting an Advance instead of just an interrupt attack (but she doesn't REALLY get an Advance, so no munchkining combos).

But no, she can't spend fatigue on extra movement, as it isn't her turn. Items like the ring of quickness don't give her extra movement because again, it isn't her turn. OLs beware, however, as she can use her interrupt movement to go through a glyph to town, or even to lurk in town with a guard order, only to pop back through into the dungeon on the OL's turn (remember, only 1 trip through the glyph per turn, though) . You will need to watch your monsters around a guarding Tahlia. In fact, several of the heroes in AoD will force you to change your strategies. Hey, why should the heroes be the only ones to have to do that?

could someone please elaborate on this GLoAQ entry? this has me utterly confused, since the normal ruling would be to either restock or go back to the dungeon. how can tahlia even HAVE a guard order in town? how can she go back to town, as the guard isn't her turn? i'm guessing this works only if she already was adjacent to the glyph at the START of the turn she declared the guard?

New thread, because the question was in an inappropriate place.

This is a vanilla answer The whole trip to town with a guard thing works totally differently in vanilla, and this answer fits with teh way vanilla glyph rules wrok perfectly.
I don't think that she could move to town with her Guard order in Advanced Campaigns even if she did start next to a glyph - it isn't the start of her turn (it is during the OLs turn) for one thing, and the guard order is considered an extension of her normal turn by inference of several other rulings (potions, total movement in limited locations etc) for a second thing.

The receiving MP part works for both rules though - it is just the going to town thing that is different.
In summary:
If playing an Advanced Campaign , ignore the bolded portions above .

Why wouldn´t she be allowed to move from Tamalir to the dungeon during her Guard movement? This is part of the bolded portion as well, and if you are to ignore it, one could assume that glpyhing into the dungeon in an Advanced Campaign was not allowed.

Parathion said:

Why wouldn´t she be allowed to move from Tamalir to the dungeon during her Guard movement? This is part of the bolded portion as well, and if you are to ignore it, one could assume that glpyhing into the dungeon in an Advanced Campaign was not allowed.

One could assume that, if one felt like taking things wildly out of context. This GLoAQ answer is referring specifically to Tahlia's ability, not to glyph transport in general. Even if you choose to ignore the section Corbon bolded, this passage says nothing about what heroes in general can or cannot do. It only talks about what Tahlia can do with her guard movement during the OL's turn.

I don't think simply ignoring this passage would be prudent, though, because then the ruling is entirely silent on whether or not Tahlia can use glyphs during her Guard movement. Technically it already is, since this ruling only really applies to Vanilla rules. Ignoring this sentence doesn't forbid anything, but it also doesn't say anything .

Personally, I think it would be fine for Tahlia to use a guard order to pop back out of a glyph on the OL's turn, provided of course she isn't doing this until the turn after she went to town in the first place (the rules for coming back into the dungeon don't appear to have changed in AC.) I do agree that Tahlia probably shouldn't be able to go to town on a guard order since it's not the start of her turn, and her guard is an extension of her regular turn, after all. For proper clarity, though, we'd need an AC-specific ruling, or at least a general forum consensus. Otherwise we're all just guessing.

what really confused me gloaq wise, was the fact, that this was actually an answer under the rtl-specific sub section. maybe i've read that wrong too somehow.

Parathion said:

Why wouldn´t she be allowed to move from Tamalir to the dungeon during her Guard movement? This is part of the bolded portion as well, and if you are to ignore it, one could assume that glpyhing into the dungeon in an Advanced Campaign was not allowed.

With (using) a guard order? It isn't allowed. You can't be in town at the end of your turn with any order on in ACs!

eNTi said:

what really confused me gloaq wise, was the fact, that this was actually an answer under the rtl-specific sub section. maybe i've read that wrong too somehow.

It isn't on the front page, so it isn't in any section. It is an older reply saved from a previous forum and is on page 2 of the current GLOAQ thread in it's own post, courtesy (IIRC) of Thundercles.

Corbon said:

Parathion said:

Why wouldn´t she be allowed to move from Tamalir to the dungeon during her Guard movement? This is part of the bolded portion as well, and if you are to ignore it, one could assume that glpyhing into the dungeon in an Advanced Campaign was not allowed.

With (using) a guard order? It isn't allowed. You can't be in town at the end of your turn with any order on in ACs!

Why shouldn´t it be allowed? Another hero with Leadership could very well place a Guard order token on Tahlia being in Tamalir. Or am I missing some specific ruling regarding that?

Corbon said:

With (using) a guard order? It isn't allowed. You can't be in town at the end of your turn with any order on in ACs!

Actually, I think you can be. The rules for going to town in RtL (havent looked too close at SoB for changes) require the hero to be on or adjacent to a glyph at the start of their turn, and they require the hero to spend their turn going to one of the town buildings and performing a Restock instead of moving or attacking in the dungeon. That is all. There's no new "Town" Action defined in the AC that heroes are required to declare before going to town. Nor are heroes forbidden from declaring one of the four standard Actions before going to town. It's just that the only Action that gets most heroes anything is Ready followed by a Rest order in that circumstance. The inability to move or attack effectively cancels any other Action the hero might declare.

As for coming back from town to the dungeon, the RtL rules say that gets done "as normal" which I can only interpret to mean the hero declares an Action and then steps through the glyph. Even if you want to argue that going to town fully replaces the hero's turn (including declaring an Action), coming back to the dungeon is handled "as normal." Tahlia could easily declare a Ready and place a Guard order, then wait until the OL's turn to come back to the dungeon, just as she would in Vanilla.

Y'know, unless there's an AC specific FAQ entry I missed that changes things.

As I said before, I agree with your statements concerning Tahlia going from dungeon to town on the OL's turn (no dice in AC) but I'm not seeing a rule that prevents coming back like vanilla.

Steve-O said:

Corbon said:

With (using) a guard order? It isn't allowed. You can't be in town at the end of your turn with any order on in ACs!

Actually, I think you can be. The rules for going to town in RtL (havent looked too close at SoB for changes) require the hero to be on or adjacent to a glyph at the start of their turn, and they require the hero to spend their turn going to one of the town buildings and performing a Restock instead of moving or attacking in the dungeon. That is all. There's no new "Town" Action defined in the AC that heroes are required to declare before going to town. Nor are heroes forbidden from declaring one of the four standard Actions before going to town. It's just that the only Action that gets most heroes anything is Ready followed by a Rest order in that circumstance. The inability to move or attack effectively cancels any other Action the hero might declare.

This part you are clearly wrong.
The rules for going to town in ACs (GLOAQ or FAQ clarification) state that it takes your entire turn (not entire action). That means no order declaration is possible. And if you start in town and don't get out, then your entire turn is cancelled and replaced by a Restock turn.

Steve-O said:

As for coming back from town to the dungeon, the RtL rules say that gets done "as normal" which I can only interpret to mean the hero declares an Action and then steps through the glyph. Even if you want to argue that going to town fully replaces the hero's turn (including declaring an Action), coming back to the dungeon is handled "as normal." Tahlia could easily declare a Ready and place a Guard order, then wait until the OL's turn to come back to the dungeon, just as she would in Vanilla.

Y'know, unless there's an AC specific FAQ entry I missed that changes things.

As I said before, I agree with your statements concerning Tahlia going from dungeon to town on the OL's turn (no dice in AC) but I'm not seeing a rule that prevents coming back like vanilla.

Right. Parathion got something I missed, which is that Tahlia could be given a Guard order while already in own through Leadership. In that case I can't see any reason she couldn't return to the dungeon. I wasn't basing 'can't return to the dungeon' on any rule saying you can't (note I didn't originally claim that, though Parathion's answer made it look like I did), just (as explained later) on the absence of any possibility of doing so, which was wrong (I forgot Leadership)!
However that is just 'operating as per normal' and you can still entirely ignore the previously bolded section, which is only a vanilla rule - well, the second half of the bolded part still applies in ACs but is only an example, not a new rule (therefore you can pretend it isn't there, even though you are using it).
If you want to be really, nit-picky you can unbold the second half of eh bolded portion, but it makes no actual difference. bostezo.gif