Fly and soar

By eNTi, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

simple enough question, but the wording doesn't seem clear:

do creatures with the soar ability automatically have the fly ability?

eNTi said:

simple enough question, but the wording doesn't seem clear:

do creatures with the soar ability automatically have the fly ability?

Yes and no. You will find that they are all 'large' creatures. They don't have Fly in dungeons because they don't have 'room' to fly in the narrow enclosed spaces. But once outdoors they are given Fly as part of Soar. As Soarers they ignore terrain anyway...

Do creatures with Soar also have Fly abilities?

Yes. While outdoors (not while in a dungeon) creatures with the Soar ability have all the benefits of Fly in addition to Soar. Likewise, creatures with Fly retain all those benefits while outdoors, in addition to gaining the benefits of Soar.