how does mortar crew works in combine fire?does it attack the single target or the hole hex?
how does mortar crew works in combine fire?
A mortar crew can only combine fire with another mortar crew. On page 39 in the rules under No Mixed Fire it states that "a mortar crew may not attack with other figure types"
thanks for answering both of my's one more,does LOS has a range,or as long as there is no blocking terrain,the unit can see as far as they wish?
No problems, there is no range for line of sight as long as there is no blocking terrain then you can see them. As you can see further than you can hit a target (most of the time) I remember reading somewhere that a hex was ment to represent around 100 yards (don't know if that is offical or not though)
I know some people use the long range attack value of the units range for LOS (for example reg infantry would lose sight after 8 hexes) but this is a house rule
I dont think that is a good house rule. If you can shoot and kill someone at a certain range then its obvious that that isnt as far as the eye can see. Long range for a gun is probably representing its maximum effective range which is about 400 to 550 yards for most standard rifles then, much shorter than a human can see.
I agree i dont use that house rule myself, as i said above you can see further than you can hit a target just heard of others using it to limit vision.
Aussie_Digger said:
just heard of others using it to limit vision.
Hm, then I should go out and buy an MG 42, because that would improve my vision by 2 hexes.
Thanks,my dear friend.I'm a new player of TOI,so I have a lot of questions to ask.I hope you don't mind.I notice that in the status phase,squad transfers comes after placing units in OP fire mode.Can i transfer a figure from a OP fire squad unit to a fresh squad?
neo_love_maggie said:
Can i transfer a figure from a OP fire squad unit to a fresh squad?
I cannot find anything in the rules to prohibit this, so, yes, that is how we play.
neo_love_maggie said:
The mortar attack the terrain and all units there, not a single unit.
Mortar can only combine fire with others mortars. Mortar can attack a unit without LOS, but a non-fatigued unit need to see the enemy to pass his position and coordinated to the mortar.
Mortar can not make Attack and Movement, can not make Assaults and can not defend himself from Assaults. Mortar can not attack adjacent hex. Mortars can not stay in OpFire.
But the others soldiers in the same squad with mortars can defend by Assaults, can attack adjacent hex, can stay in OpFire and can combine fire with other units.
KlausFritsch said:
Aussie_Digger said:
just heard of others using it to limit vision.
Hm, then I should go out and buy an MG 42, because that would improve my vision by 2 hexes.
ya i was thinking LOS should either be double firing range (which meant an oddly 8 for inf and 10 for Mgs). or just make it 10 across the board.
I think having units almost constantly insight really bogged the game down.
I got a few house rules with elevation. 1 terrain higher +1 range. But still limited to 10 LOS. 2 terrain higher +1 range and +1 to defense.
And i got a whole front and rear movement/attacking method that is simple and works. Posted it on BGG i think its off topic here.
Grove12345 said:
And i got a whole front and rear movement/attacking method that is simple and works. Posted it on BGG i think its off topic here.
Why would it be? We have discussed facing rules several times here, and I would like to see your approach.