Hello... I do not know if this has been asked before but:
How can one increase the mental stats above 10?
The physical stats can easily be increased by using "Inhumanity" and "Zen"
as per the "Limits on Human Characteristics" on p.9 of the core book, it clearly states:
"...namely, the Inhumanity and Zen. Inhumanity allows a character to obtain the
benefits of
characteristics to a score of 13, while Zen completely destroys
the limits, granting characters the capacity to use the maximum advantage of his
As I understand it, those ki powers allow for only physical stats to increase past the score of 10.
On the same page and the same "Limits of Human Characteristics" there's also hinted at an example
given for a wizard:
"That is, how does one justify to a wizard, given his already superhuman capacity to cast magic, that
he can't increase his Power beyond 10 and get the additional benefits?"
There are no rules or guidelines regarding the increase of the mental characteristics. Heck there are no
rules regarding the increase of the other ones as well but there are the Ki powers that allow the physical
stats to increase.
I'm asking this because I'm playing a Mentalist (he's mute and uses Mental Communication to speak), he
currently has 11 in Willpower which the GM grudgingly aggreed to allow but held fast to the
: 10 is the Human Maxima.
It would nice to have an official response to this as this particular breed of a GM will probably only listen to an official clarification.
Ofcourse, the GM ultimately has the final decision and I will have to live with it.
with thanks in advance...