15. SoB Trails with no encounters?

By Corbon, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark FAQ Update Discussions

The sea trail between Bright Sea and Midnight Cove has no Threat Shield for encounters.
the same applies to the secret trail between Narrows of Gracor and Cerridor Sea and also for routes too and from the Maelstrom

Are these intentional or a misprint?

Q. Should there be a threat shield (for encounters) on the trail between the Bright Sea and Midnight Cove locations?
A1. No. Those trails is safe and encounter free.
A2. Yes. The trail from Bright Sea to Midnight Cove should have a {} coloured shield with the number {} on it.
The Secret Trail between Narrows of Gracor and Cerridor Sea should have a {} coloured shield withe the number {} on it . The routes to the Maelstrom should have {} coloured shields with the number {} on them.
A3. Some combination of safe and changed.

any last comments/suggestions before transfering to faq proposal document?

What about the two secret short trails leading to the Great Maelstrom and the one in the northern part leading to the treasure site location in the sea?

Parathion said:

What about the two secret short trails leading to the Great Maelstrom and the one in the northern part leading to the treasure site location in the sea?

They could be added in. I think they are significantly different enough that it isn't strange that they don't have threat shields, but since we are asking the question anyway, no good reason not to add them in.