expansion help

By shadow?, in Runebound

the only ffg game i own is runebound. I managed to buy a copy with the first wave nonbox expansions already set up in it (long time ago). Pretty soon i'll want more. The question is should i buy some expansions? I was primarily eyeing the second wave deck expansion or what i am really interested in are the class cards. Also are there any expansions that give new heroes other than the big box expansions? Ive heard mixed opinions on the class cards. Also im looking for games like runebound that take less time to play. Do the class cards work well with the doom track? Its either an expansion or Talisman, which i also heard mixed opinions on. But judging by the rules its not bad. Also i was wondering about Arkham Horror but by the look at all the peices it might take to long, plus i hate the horrible dice that come with it. But if i do get Arkham Horror i can just replace the dice with some irondie i bought on my trip to italy. But anyway its either a runebound expansion, Talisman, or Arkham Horror. Help will be appreciated

shadow? said:

Also are there any expansions that give new heroes other than the big box expansions?

The new heroes only can get in the big box.....

shadow? said:

the only ffg game i own is runebound. I managed to buy a copy with the first wave nonbox expansions already set up in it (long time ago). Pretty soon i'll want more. The question is should i buy some expansions? I was primarily eyeing the second wave deck expansion or what i am really interested in are the class cards. Also are there any expansions that give new heroes other than the big box expansions? Ive heard mixed opinions on the class cards. Also im looking for games like runebound that take less time to play. Do the class cards work well with the doom track? Its either an expansion or Talisman, which i also heard mixed opinions on. But judging by the rules its not bad. Also i was wondering about Arkham Horror but by the look at all the peices it might take to long, plus i hate the horrible dice that come with it. But if i do get Arkham Horror i can just replace the dice with some irondie i bought on my trip to italy. But anyway its either a runebound expansion, Talisman, or Arkham Horror. Help will be appreciated

shadow? said:

the only ffg game i own is runebound. I managed to buy a copy with the first wave nonbox expansions already set up in it (long time ago). Pretty soon i'll want more. The question is should i buy some expansions? I was primarily eyeing the second wave deck expansion or what i am really interested in are the class cards. Also are there any expansions that give new heroes other than the big box expansions? Ive heard mixed opinions on the class cards. Also im looking for games like runebound that take less time to play. Do the class cards work well with the doom track? Its either an expansion or Talisman, which i also heard mixed opinions on. But judging by the rules its not bad. Also i was wondering about Arkham Horror but by the look at all the peices it might take to long, plus i hate the horrible dice that come with it. But if i do get Arkham Horror i can just replace the dice with some irondie i bought on my trip to italy. But anyway its either a runebound expansion, Talisman, or Arkham Horror. Help will be appreciated

Wow, you're asking a lot of things and I'm not sure what really is the question.

However I'll try to give you some informations, I hope you'll find them helpful.

1. Runebound Expansions:
I'm not really into class deck expansions because I never used them. I can tell you that other card expansions like Adventure Variants and Challege Cards can significantly change your game experience, some of them introduce new mechanics and even alter winning conditions. The good thing is that you can combine any number of expansion (but only one adventure variant) to customize your game. If you want a bigger change, however, a good choice coul be a big box expansions. I've got Fronzen Wastes and Isle of Dread, and i like them both, but I would not use them in a Line of Fate game.

2. Talisman:
I've played it four or five times. It's a good game, but if you're looking for something shorter than Runebound it's hardly what you're searching for. A Talisman game can have a duration similar to a Runebound game without Line of Fate variant.

3. Arkham Horror:
I love this game, its setting, its game system, everything about it. The dice is not a great problem, you can easily replace it if you don't like it, but the duration is the same of the other two.

Let us know the final choice!

what is line of fate? And the question is if i could only get one: runebound expansion, talisman or arkham horror which one? Also how long is a game of Arkham horror?

Also i understand that i cant possibly compile every market and adventure card expansion into one, so if i buy runebound expansions how do you recomend me to compile them, so far all i have is base game, artifacts and allies, relics of legend, the dark forrest, terrors of the tomb, crown of the elder kings, and sceptor of kyros. Also do the class decks work good with the box expansions

shadow? said:

what is line of fate? And the question is if i could only get one: runebound expansion, talisman or arkham horror which one? Also how long is a game of Arkham horror?

You can buy the expansion "Mist of Zanaga",it's like arkam horror's rule I think...

shadow? said:

what is line of fate? And the question is if i could only get one: runebound expansion, talisman or arkham horror which one? Also how long is a game of Arkham horror?

My fault, i meant Doom Track. My version of the game isn't the english one, sometimes I use terms that are re-translations of translated terms and this cause confusion, I apologize. So forget "line of fate", it's Doom Track I was talking about.

In my experience an Arkham Horror game requires between 2,5 and 3,5 hours. Of course, experienced players can be faster than that, this is the duration of my games.

What you should buy? Well It depends by you and what your searching for. You are tired of Runebound and you want more variety in your Runebound games? Buy the expansions. You want a completely different fantsy game? Buy Talisman. I'ts time for a cooperative game with an horror mood? Buy Arkham Horror.

All the options are valid, these are three great games indeed. No one can tell you the best option for you, it's just.... personal.