Some new and old question

By Jack and THE Hammer, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Something old:

I'm reading back Altair of despair manual and my first doubt its about the pet Shar. When a normal and activated glyph is put on the map because Shar heal it. the group takes the victory point? i guess not, because the've not activated it again

Something actual:

Last night my players have the first and last meet with the Siren LT(i've lost my LT but they've lost their sanity, that was a 3 hours battle XD so i'm satisfed enogh). The place card signs when the OL must place the npc ships only. So during LT fight when i can place my LT and their minions?

And, my manual say the group starting position is gafford city, but one of my plot say the start is garnott? so what' right?

Somethings future:

One of my player ask me about this, and i really dont know what to say. The special ability of the city, persist after they are razed, if it not include their own building?

Eg, the Gaffords ability can not be applyed because, when its razed the alchemis will close

But Dallak and Orris's ability not include buildings but the passage og the group on it. So in that cases, even if razed, the group must still pay to accross dallak and the OL still takes Vp when they pass Orris?

when a city is razed all buildings are close, but heroes can still pass or stay on it in the maps. This abilities are not including the buildings so i guess yes but i'm not sure

Jack and THE Hammer said:

Something old:

I'm reading back Altair of despair manual and my first doubt its about the pet Shar. When a normal and activated glyph is put on the map because Shar heal it. the group takes the victory point? i guess not, because the've not activated it again

The heroes already receive conquest when they activate the dark glyph (possibly reduced conquest if it's a green one, but they still get some). Getting conquest again for the same glyph when Sharr heals ti would be fairly insane; that would probably make buying the dark glyph worse for the overlord than simply throwing his treachery away.

As i supposed but i want to be sure!

i'm add a question about iron horn hero:

iron horn have the skill to make an attak when he choose RUN action. he can move only orthogonally or even diagonally?

Jack and THE Hammer said:

Something old:

I'm reading back Altair of despair manual and my first doubt its about the pet Shar. When a normal and activated glyph is put on the map because Shar heal it. the group takes the victory point? i guess not, because the've not activated it again

I agree with Antistone, Shar healing a glyph is not the same as activating it. If a Dark Glyph has already been activated, the triggering condition has passed.

Jack and THE Hammer said:

Something actual:

Last night my players have the first and last meet with the Siren LT(i've lost my LT but they've lost their sanity, that was a 3 hours battle XD so i'm satisfed enogh). The place card signs when the OL must place the npc ships only. So during LT fight when i can place my LT and their minions?

And, my manual say the group starting position is gafford city, but one of my plot say the start is garnott? so what' right?

I'm not familiar enough with SoB to answer this.

Jack and THE Hammer said:

when a city is razed all buildings are close, but heroes can still pass or stay on it in the maps. This abilities are not including the buildings so i guess yes but i'm not sure

It's my understanding that a razed city is nothing. Treat it as an empty node on the path, with no special abilities.

Jack and THE Hammer said:

Last night my players have the first and last meet with the Siren LT(i've lost my LT but they've lost their sanity, that was a 3 hours battle XD so i'm satisfed enogh). The place card signs when the OL must place the npc ships only. So during LT fight when i can place my LT and their minions?

SoB pg17
Monster Setup
After the heroes are placed on the map, the overlord places the leader and his minions on the map. Figures without the Soar or Swim abilities must be placed on the NPC ship. Figures with the Soar or Swim abilities may be placed along any edge of the ocean map, but they must be at least five spaces away from the heroes’ ship . Large monsters must be placed completely on the map

Jack and THE Hammer said:

And, my manual say the group starting position is gafford city, but one of my plot say the start is garnott? so what' right?

The Manual.

Jack and THE Hammer said:

Somethings future:

One of my player ask me about this, and i really dont know what to say. The special ability of the city, persist after they are razed, if it not include their own building?

Eg, the Gaffords ability can not be applyed because, when its razed the alchemis will close

But Dallak and Orris's ability not include buildings but the passage og the group on it. So in that cases, even if razed, the group must still pay to accross dallak and the OL still takes Vp when they pass Orris?

when a city is razed all buildings are close, but heroes can still pass or stay on it in the maps. This abilities are not including the buildings so i guess yes but i'm not sure

SoB pg14
Razed Cities
When a city has been razed, it is destroyed for the remainder of the campaign. Flip one of the siege tokens over to the razed side, and remove the others. The heroes can still move through the razed city’s space on the map board, but the city no longer provides any services to them , such as the Market, Alchemist, and so on.

The rules aren't actually clear, but the fluff/context indicates that nothing should count. The OL's Orris bonus is due to his spies in the city - no city, no spies, no bonus. The Queens Toll on Dallak is for entering the city - no city, no Toll, no cost.

Jack and THE Hammer said:

i'm add a question about iron horn hero:

iron horn have the skill to make an attak when he choose RUN action. he can move only orthogonally or even diagonally?

same direction