Support tokens for special abilities that are attack/defense

By zeb, in Death Angel


The rules say that when rolling a die to resolve a special ability, you cannot use a support token to reroll the die. You can only reroll if the special ability is also an attack or a defense, as far as I understand. But this is open to interpretation, could you clarify these cases:

  • Brother Claudio for instance is slain if he rolls a 0. Can this be rerolled?
  • A red marine has the ability to attack three times. Can you reroll each die with a support token?
  • The green team dead aim ability: can you reroll the die with a support token to try to get a 4?


zeb said:

  • Brother Claudio for instance is slain if he rolls a 0. Can this be rerolled?
  • A red marine has the ability to attack three times. Can you reroll each die with a support token?
  • The green team dead aim ability: can you reroll the die with a support token to try to get a 4?

Claudio isn't an issue at all:

"For example, the die
rolled by the “Heroic Charge” Action card’s special
ability is not an attack and may not be rerolled by
spending a Support Token." (p. 16)

Leon attacks three times. He can spend Support token(s) on each attack to make it a hit, but each reroll costs a Support token. So first attack: miss, reroll, hit; second attack: miss, reroll, hit; third attack: miss, reroll, hit. That would cost him 3 Support tokens.

Green team can try to reroll for a 4.

Ooops yes the rules take Brother Claudio as the example for not using the support die!

Brother Claudio doesn't get a reroll for his special ability because it is not an attack. (" Instead of attacking..." says the card.)

Leon may attack up to three times with his special ability. Attack is the key word there. Yes, you can reroll each of those attacks by spending a Support Token for each attack, if you like.

You could also reroll the die when making an attack using the Dead Aim action card.