Stun and Rapid Fire

By Tibs, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi all. I'm currently participating in a RtL campaign, and we had an issue where a hero was stunned but she had the Rapid Fire ability. Is she allowed to choose her Stunned action to be "attack" but then use her Rapid Fire to turn it into multiple successive attacks? Or is the wording in the rulebook, "may only move... or make one attack" meant to be literally one attack?

Thanks a bunch.

Tibs said:

Hi all. I'm currently participating in a RtL campaign, and we had an issue where a hero was stunned but she had the Rapid Fire ability. Is she allowed to choose her Stunned action to be "attack" but then use her Rapid Fire to turn it into multiple successive attacks? Or is the wording in the rulebook, "may only move... or make one attack" meant to be literally one attack?

Thanks a bunch.

Yes she can. The wording in the rule book covers what the stun does, but not what other abilities or skills may add.

The effect of stun is best described as removing one half-action by the hero. That is all .
Normally a hero gets two half-actions - Advance is move +attack, Battle is attack+attack, Ready is order+attack or order+move and Run is move+move.
Stun reduces a hero to one half-action - Move, Order or Attack. This, by default, prevents him from declaring any Action , and thus gaining any benefits from that action or use any skills/abilities that trigger from that action, but it does not prevent him using any skills or abilities that do not trigger from an Action declaration.

Rapid Fire triggers from an attack. If the hero has an attack, then he can use Rapid Fire. Similarly, he could use Quick Casting .
As a counter-example, Koll's Mark from SoB does not have a trigger. Therefore a Stunned hero can use Koll's Mark and may choose 'Move', then attack twice with koll's mark.

I forgot to add "why or why not" but you covered it very concisely. I had a feeling that that was the deal but the search results for "stun rapid fire" returned a lot of semantics arguments over special abilities I haven't even seen yet. Some things were said about different wording of Stun rules.

A different character owns a +1 movement ring, so it's good to know that she could attack and still move one space.

Tibs said:

I forgot to add "why or why not" but you covered it very concisely. I had a feeling that that was the deal but the search results for "stun rapid fire" returned a lot of semantics arguments over special abilities I haven't even seen yet. Some things were said about different wording of Stun rules.

A different character owns a +1 movement ring, so it's good to know that she could attack and still move one space.

I'd wondered a similar thing, and threw it out for discussion before. The semantics etc was probably that thread. gui%C3%B1o.gif

But the conclusion was fairly definite.