A mighty castle of a ship

By Adaras, in Fan Art

Hey everybody

I am sorry but I am not much of an artist, so I come here to ask what your ideas are...

When I read lure of the expanse and saw the Nihontou, Rogue Trader Sunlees ship I got inspired. The Nihontou is very much inspired by chinese architechture. So I have a Rogue Trader who is kinda like this Daimyo type of a former naval officer, and I wanted to like get his ship to look like the Nihontou but with a more Japanese castle focus for achitechture.

So any ideas? :) I would welcome if anyone could try to draw it. If anything its a cruiser of the Tyrant class

What I have in mind is a simple Japanese Castle (Jo) such as Himeji as the Bridge, and some Tori (Japanese gate/archway). and of course many Jinja or otera (japanese shrines) as turrets.

Or it'd look like the ships that were used during the Warring States period, as they look like castles on water:




What game do those pictures come from?

Shogun 2: Total War.....amazing game!


Then again I'm biased towards the Total War series. corazon.gif


Read up on the Chinese treasure fleet . This was probably the largest exploration fleet ever. This is the type of fleet Rouge traders dream about. babeo.gif

Yup, they do. And they will do almost anything to get them. gui%C3%B1o.gif

Would these ships even fit into the Imperium? The non-European style (while awesome historically) seems like it might raise some Inquisitorial eyebrows. Not that all Rogue Traders care about such things.

Just like not all imperial troops look similar I'd say simply because GW hasn't published Gothic ships of that design they wouldnt exist…anything can be done