Lieutenant encounters and reinforcement questions

By cosmefulanito, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi, some more questions, this time regarding Lieutenant encounters. Lets take Alric Farrow as an example.

After i pick a random Location and the heroes are in the central tile (no ambush check) I deploy the Lieutenant and his minions (2 beastmen, 2 razorwings, 2 hellhounds and 1 sorceror) anywhere on the map EXCEPT the central tile, and then the players go first.

Any mistake up to this point?

then comes the question. Supposse i want to reinforce Beastmen. I know they appear at the end of the turn but outside of the map so i cant really use them until the next turn. But the big question involves the costs and the ammounts. Do i get 2 Beastmen (as printed in the card) or 1? if i can get 2, does it cost 8 threat (4 each) o 4 for the 2?

cosmefulanito said:

Hi, some more questions, this time regarding Lieutenant encounters. Lets take Alric Farrow as an example.

After i pick a random Location and the heroes are in the central tile (no ambush check) I deploy the Lieutenant and his minions (2 beastmen, 2 razorwings, 2 hellhounds and 1 sorceror) anywhere on the map EXCEPT the central tile, and then the players go first.

Any mistake up to this point?

I don't see any.
Except, Tactically, Sir Alric should be either in the nearest tree to an exit, or on the exit space... gui%C3%B1o.gif

cosmefulanito said:

then comes the question. Supposse i want to reinforce Beastmen. I know they appear at the end of the turn but outside of the map so i cant really use them until the next turn. But the big question involves the costs and the ammounts. Do i get 2 Beastmen (as printed in the card) or 1? if i can get 2, does it cost 8 threat (4 each) o 4 for the 2?

You can reinforce as many Beastmen as there are suitable figures. Each one costs you the appropriate amount (4 threat for beastmen).

RtL pg16
Fourth, a lieutenant can Reinforce any kind of normal monster listed as one of its legal minions on its lieutenant card. For example, Sir Alric Farrow can Reinforce Beastmen, Razorwings, Hell Hounds, and Sorcerers. The threat cost to Reinforce one monster of a given type is listed below
Reinforcements are by type, not number, and the cost is for one of that type. But if you can pay the cost more than once in a turn you can reinforce more than once in a turn.

sweet! thanks a lot, once again :)