In the Silver and Gold start Advanced Campaign options, the heroes are given many opportunities to spend their CT and a lot of additional cash to acquire weapons and other treasures of their choice with. However, the OL is not given any similar opportunity. This appears to be an oversight! It is certainly extremely unbalancing, giving the heroes several 'free' weeks worth of dungeoneering while the OL 'powers up' spending just his starting XP, one upgrade per week. If the OL is allowed to spend his XP, the same as the heroes may spend theirs (and their additional cash), then some information as to what the OL can purchase is also necessary.
Q1. In a campaign which starts at Silver or Gold level (using the rules on pg9 Rtl or pg 12/14 SoB) is the OL allowed to purchase upgrades using his additional 1-200 XP?
A1. Yes, the OL still gets his 15XP 'initial' purchase (with normal restrictions) and before/after (delete as appropriate) the heroes finish their purchases he may spend any or all of his additional 100-200 XP on any upgrade he could normally purchase (at copper level if a Silver start and and copper or silver level if a Gold start).
A2. No, the OL may not spend his additional 100-200 XP before the game begins.
A3. Some other answer
Q2. If the OL is allowed to spend his 100-200 XP, is he allowed to 'save' any of it?
A1. Yes. The OL may save some of his XP and spend it during the campaign. This may mean the heroes face diamond monsters on the first week of a Gold level campaign, for example.
A2. No. Any starting XP not spent by the OL are permanently lost, although the CT are not lost.
A3. No. Any starting XP not spent by the OL are permanently lost and so are the CT that they originated from. Thus the campaign may actually start at 198 CT instead of 200, for example (if the OL spent 98/100 in a Silver start). Such a campaign would still start at Silver level.