I'm just starting p my first Grimm game, but one of the players and I have a different interpretation of the "I Think I Can" ability of the Dreamer. I don't want to arbitrarily discount her interpretation without some further investigation.
I did find a previous discussion of this topic, but it didn't really answer my question, as it also included two different interpretations of this rule.
"I Think I Can" gives the Dreamer the option to "choose two iconic Core traits, one of which is automatically Imagination". My interpretation of this is that the Dreamer would have Imagination as one Core trait, and the second must be chosen from Cool, Pluck, Luck, or Muscle. the benefit of this, as I see it, is that the Dreamer can do things that normally a Dreamer kid wouldn't be expected to do because those things are outside the imagination-based world a Dreamer lives in. An example of this would be a Dreamer who, when faced with a beautiful princess who has suddenly become terrifyingly ugly and threatening, her Pluck would come to the forefront and she would stand her ground.
The player's interpretation is that the Dreamer can choose Imagination twice. I don't see how this could happen, as each character has each of the Core traits only once, and therefore could only choose it once.
I would appreciate any comments, insights, or experiences anyone has to share on this; either to help me understand where she is coming from, or give me a better idea how to explain my reasoning to her.