SoB first time, island and plot trouble

By Jack and THE Hammer, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

ok it our first time so probably we've miss somethings, because we've spent an entire hour to done the first island level

The heroes choose to do the Cerridor sea level- infested island. first at all it was really hard to brign the ship near the first piece of sand to let the heroes drop off without fall in the water. because even the shallow water noone of them will be able to touch the island without a rain of arrow by my skeleton.

we've suppose the heroes can dropoff of any side of the boat withourt a rope so they run to the top of the ship and finaly after 4 turns they are on the island.

second problem. the scrubs. it isnt a litte much put that on all the island map? like mage and long range guy(monsters and heroes) dont have enogh trouble. foud nothing about in the manual i've applide the scrubs rule even for the cannons.

about the line of sight, i think the only things allow me to spawn monsters ON the island its the tree, over the board its' ok but i'd like to have them as close as i can to the party

must all the isalnds be so long to cath and done, or we miss a lot of point about "Shipping"(Ahoy) ?

After all this trouble i've gain enogh exp to buy a plot card. My plot is the Shadow's Queen, and i choose the "A new law" card. but the text it's not really clear to us.

"Cannons and weapons price int he city its incrase to double, and the Alchemist is close, it's no more possibile purchase potions in the city"

in our version (italian one) city can mean ONE city and ALL city so we've not understand if the card refers only the dallak city or all tourts albe.

Second: whit "weapons" the card means only the shop cards, or the treasure card, or only card with the mark "weapons" (shop AND treasure) ??

somethings that disappoint me was the Whirpool token and the cavern entrance token, that was the same! the new angle map pieces dont match with the old piecese so it really hard to assemble maps without broken it. i mean i've pay a lot of money this game, and FF dont put 2 different token of them? even when they put both in the same map? it's not a real problem, a TT so sign the position its good enogh but thats not the point! i

As ever thanks for your help

EDIT: Forum software....

EDIT: Combined with early morning fumble fingers...

Jack and THE Hammer said:

The heroes choose to do the Cerridor sea level- infested island. first at all it was really hard to brign the ship near the first piece of sand to let the heroes off without fall in the water. because even the shallow water noone of them will be able to touch the island without a rain of arrow by my skeleton.

we've suppose the heroes can dropoff of any side of the boat withourt a rope so they run to the top of the ship and finaly after 4 turns they are on the island.

They really should have done whispering woods first. That gives them an opportunity to earn enough cash and CT to upgrade the ship a little (better cannons, maybe more) before heading to sea, where they are seriously outclassed early.

Any half competent runner can in fact reach the glyph first turn (he may not be able to activate it if a monster is on top, but that is a different tactical problem.
Start with your tank on the anchor, and the mage/ranger on the back mast. Runner on the rope at the back, and ranger/mage on a cannon (with the +7 range cannon he might actually have a decent chance of hitting any monster on the glyph (knockback) on some maps despite the scrub, depending on his skills and/or feats).
Mage/ranger goes first, running and using fatigue to raise both sails. That costs about 12MP IIRC.
Then goes Tank, Runs, raise anchor and then moves onto the wheel and spins it - he should be able to get 2 enhancements at least, even if it costs fatigue. Ideally he ends beside the glyph.
The Runner the swings out using the rope - unless very unlucky he'll get 2-4 spaces out with 3MP, land in shallow water and have only 1 water space to move into before hitting land. So he should reach land for 6MP at worst, from there he needs 9-10MP to reach the glyph. If you don't have a runner capable of generating 16MP with fatigue and a fatigue potion, then you have no right to complain about slow speed under any circumstances!
Next turn the tank and the ranger/mage glyph to town, the mage/range starts to lower the sails (if you don't lower the sails the revenge will slowly drift into the island or off-map, both of which are a disaster).

Jack and THE Hammer said:

second problem. the scrubs. it isnt a litte much put that on all the island map? like mage and long range guy(monsters and heroes) dont have enogh trouble. foud nothing about in the manual i've applide the scrubs rule even for the cannons.

about the line of sight, i think the only things allow me to spawn monsters ON the island its the tree, over the board its' ok but i'd like to have them as close as i can to the party

must all the isalnds be so long to cath and done, or we miss a lot of point about "Shipping"(Ahoy) ?

Generally speaking, we've found islands to be slightly easier and faster on average than normal levels. The main problem is if the boss runs away, and it can take a while to track him down and kill him.
Yes, trees are your main spawning gift.
We generally find the scrub is less of an issue than the trees. Monsters work hard to be in trees and gain shadowcloak as much as possible. Then you must be at point blank range, not just close, and breath helps not at all!

Jack and THE Hammer said:

After all this trouble i've gain enogh exp to buy a plot card. My plot is the Shadow's Queen, and i choose the "A new law" card. but the text it's not really clear to us.

"Cannons and weapons price int he city its incrase to double, and the Alchemist is close, it's no more possibile purchase potions in the city"

in our version (italian one) city can mean ONE city and ALL city so we've not understand if the card refers only the dallak city or all tourts albe.

Second: whit "weapons" the card means only the shop cards, or the treasure card, or only card with the mark "weapons" (shop AND treasure) ??

It is a really, really nasty plot card. The nastiest I've seen, frankly.
It is all cities.
And all weapons - and card that has the mark weapon on it. We actually got to the stage where mages couldn't buy replacement shop runes when they were being crushing blowed, for a while!

Your Runner probably needs to get Alchemist skill if this plot is in play.

Jack and THE Hammer said:

somethings that disappoint me was the Whirpool token and the cavern entrance token, that was the same! the new angle map pieces dont match with the old piecese so it really hard to assemble maps without broken it. i mean i've pay a lot of money this game, and FF dont put 2 different token of them? even when they put both in the same map? it's not a real problem, a TT so sign the position its good enogh but thats not the point! i

Yeah, you and everyone else!

Wasn't it you asking what to do to make your first campaign more 'even'?
I advised in that thread the heroes should do some research. Yours clearly haven't done any if they went to Cerridor Sea first and have trouble getting ashore.
Smash them, they deserve it. demonio.gif
Edit: sorry, wasn't you!

i'll tell them about "island strategy" and wath how they can manage it. i forgott to mention i've finish my deck on that first level of that danm island, so more exp, but a lot of boring too. i'll gain my xp anyway so i'll prefer a more quick situation next time

of course i wll crash em! i've suggest em to not go to an island first, but naturaly they want to try their new boat, i was the only one who makes pratice whit sea battle(in open sea) so they want to try too.

well i'm choosing a very good plot cart indeed demonio.gif

but no, wasnt me at all. and by the way i'm complain about the FF tokens inside the box so i dont understand why you quote that part ^_^' ?