Editable Rogue Trader Character Sheet PDF Form

By JonSolo2, in Rogue Trader

A friend of mine found the "fillable" character sheet for Rogue Trader over on DarkReign40K, and I decided to try and improve upon it.

My version (web quality) is here: darkreign40k.com/drjoomla/index.php/component/docman/cat_view/38-character-sheets

You may also find it here: dl.dropbox.com/u/3728831/Rogue%20Trader%20Character%20Sheet%20Official%20Editable%20Web%20Quality.pdf

I also have a higher quality print version here: dl.dropbox.com/u/3728831/Rogue%20Trader%20Character%20Sheet%20Official%20Editable.pdf

Thanks FFG for the great source material and I'm looking forward to Edge of the Abyss!



Awesome! On behalf of gamers with nigh illegible handwriting everywhere, I thank you.

You're most welcome!

Sorry, due to an oversight with Acrobat I didn't realise the form was not savable. I have corrected this.

The link again:



Great sheet, I'll be transferring the characters in my game over to these! The saveable part makes it even better...

Now if we could just get a bunch of Rogue Trader mechanics shortcuts squeezed into a single page...*GRIN*


Very nice work.

When I type in wounds, the number appears 2 times. Same happens with some of the armor boxes. Is there a bug in the sheet, or is just my adobe reader?

Sorry about that I just noticed that as well. I think it's because the auto generated part of the form saw the word "Total" and ghosted an extra "total" number in there. I'll try and remove it and do a v3.

Am I the only one who read this as edible character sheets....

Head and Right Arm still have an extra 'total' being calculated in their fields. Trid to fix it myself, but you have the permissions on editing the form properties locked.

JonSolo said:

Nom nom nom!

I've updated the edible sheet, the full print quality version is here and the Web Quality smaller version is here or on DarkReign40K .


Awesome you fix the wound double number bug!

There is still a bug with the Head Armor and Right Arm Armor Boxes. When I type in a number it appears twice.

Minor bug that I can live with, just want to mention it.

Great work on the sheet! :)


How about an editable ship sheet as well?

MOther said:


How about an editable ship sheet as well?

I second this!

Great work!

Just another thing i noticed: You have no insert-option at Navigation-Skill.Would be nice to add this one, too.

Keep on with supporting us lazy or "incompetent" Gamemasters with things like this. aplauso.gif

Dire McCann said:

Great work!

Just another thing i noticed: You have no insert-option at Navigation-Skill.Would be nice to add this one, too.

Keep on with supporting us lazy or "incompetent" Gamemasters with things like this. aplauso.gif

Nor with Ciphers. Also Head and Right Arm give double entries.

Other than that - very fine job indeed, thanks.


PS Personally I'd think the sheets would need some blank skill lines in favour of ditching some of the more esoteric skills (which could be then entered in the blank lines if necessary) but that's more a suggestion for FFG and how they design their sheets.

May I ask if anything can be done to make the writing in the equipment section bigger, it's so small at the moment that I can barely read it when I type anything in?

The first one takes you to amazon....