This guy is a fairly interesting Syndicate character from the old Ancient Horrors set. He only costs 2, and features the usual crappy Syndicate Icon distribution (1-Arcane - yawn)....but has a potentially powerful ability (ruins Birds / Dogs / etc) - in that while he is in play, the following ability is in effect (passive):
Forced Response : When a Monster or Creature character comes into play, it loses all (Terror) icons until the end of the phase, and it immediately goes insane.
Here's the question.....what if a character, for whatever reason, had BOTH - Terror Icons ....AND the Willpower keyword ?
What would happen if that character was put into play (from hand, or otherwise) - while Richard Finch was in play for the opponent.... ? the character would lose his Terror Icons...but....what about its Willpower ? Nothing is removing that - yet Richard Finch's text says merely that they lose the Terror - then immediately go insane.
I would think there would be no effect on a character with BOTH Willpower - AND - Terror - but thought I'd check here.
(note this is a highly theoretical question- and might rarely / ever ?? - happen in an actual game)