Richard Finchington III - Question

By The Dog of War, in CoC Rules Discussion

This guy is a fairly interesting Syndicate character from the old Ancient Horrors set. He only costs 2, and features the usual crappy Syndicate Icon distribution (1-Arcane - yawn)....but has a potentially powerful ability (ruins Birds / Dogs / etc) - in that while he is in play, the following ability is in effect (passive):

Forced Response : When a Monster or Creature character comes into play, it loses all (Terror) icons until the end of the phase, and it immediately goes insane.


Here's the question.....what if a character, for whatever reason, had BOTH - Terror Icons ....AND the Willpower keyword ?

What would happen if that character was put into play (from hand, or otherwise) - while Richard Finch was in play for the opponent.... ? the character would lose his Terror Icons...but....what about its Willpower ? Nothing is removing that - yet Richard Finch's text says merely that they lose the Terror - then immediately go insane.

I would think there would be no effect on a character with BOTH Willpower - AND - Terror - but thought I'd check here.

(note this is a highly theoretical question- and might rarely / ever ?? - happen in an actual game)

In that case, it would not go insane since nothing removes the willpower. It would still lose the terror icon but thats it.

Yes, Willpower would stop the insanity. And a more likely scenario is a creature/monster that has Willpower without any terror icons (there is no "then" in the ability, only "and".)

Good points on both replies. :-) Thanks for confirming my initial thoughts on it guys.

Just want to make sure about this:

Say Finchington is in play, and my opponent tries to play or put into play a Many-Angled Thing. According to the FAQ, Forced Responses trigger before Responses, so would it be driven insane and hence not be able to trigger its reponse first (i.e. it would have an opportunity to trigger before its insane)?

Yes, it would be driven insane first before its Response could be triggered.