RTL Threat in the dungeon

By Jack and THE Hammer, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Usualy, as OL i use my Threat tokens to increase speed and attak of my monster, like the heroes use their fatigue to do the same. But probably i miss a step, because the manual allow this kind of action in the outside encounters, but i always use this rule in the dungeons level too.

i search in the Faq if somebody ask the same things but nothing. But i found strange this skill is limited in to the outside encounters.

It's strange, but that's how it is. What's stranger is that the lieutenants all have the ability to boost their own speed and attacks, but the Avatar doesn't.

its possibile they have an omission?

i mean it really strange, why not in the dungeon? why not the avatar?

of course in the dungeons level the Ol have cards and some of them make the monsters run faster, but in this way he will never able to boost an attack.

Jack and THE Hammer said:

its possibile they have an omission?

i mean it really strange, why not in the dungeon? why not the avatar?

of course in the dungeons level the Ol have cards and some of them make the monsters run faster, but in this way he will never able to boost an attack.

You are looking at it the wrong way round.

It isn't strange that you can't do it in the dungeon, it is strange that you can do it in encounters!

It is there in outdoor encounters to give threat a purpose and keep the time=resources equation going (force the heroes to keep moving forward). It is unnecesssary in dungeons because the OL is drawing cards which he can play.

the first time a read it, i was conceived :"oh! finaly the heroes will not be the only one to use something like fatigue"

so i was too much happy and for the exaiting i miss the step "..in the outside encounters..."

many times i was killing them with this error in the dungeons, now i've to think again to my strategy