Saint Paul/Minneapolis area

By FFG Brian, in Players

I am just restarting the old forum thread about playing in MN, particulallry at the Source. As the old forum is scheduled for demolition, I thought I should move this over here.

Normally I'd be swing by the Source next Monday (Nov 24) for some more MC. But myself (and I think Kevin too) cannot make it. FFG has a company function that night which totally overlaps the open gaming at the Source. Sorry.
I really wanted to see about kicking off a version of the MC league play that night, and get all the ground rules in place. It will have to wait 2 more weeks.

I already have told a couple Source players about starting league play there. Please drop me an email if you are a local player who wants in. We will be making a couple changes to the official plan to accommodate the Source and my own personal schedule. I'd like to get all interested parties involved from the start. If you have any questions feel free to email me at . I don't have all the details myself, but will answer what I can.

I can stop in on the 24th if any one else is gonna be there, but I can't make it till later- 7:30 or 8ish.

Doesn't look like I'll be able to make it on the 24th. Belzarak, you may want to email FFG Brian for organized play info. We had a discussion on that a couple Monday's ago when you weren't there.


I will be at The Source Monday evening (Dec 8) around 6:30 for Mutant Chronicle games. I will have all the info to kick off the MC Organized play for those interested. As I mentioned above, we will be making a couple changes to the official OP plans to accommodate The Source's and my own personal schedule. Right now the plan is to run the Organized Play every other Monday ( starting on Dec 22 - two weeks later) from 6:30 to 9 pm (Unless I hear from interested parties that Monday nights won't work for them).

Anyone who can't make it to the store or sees this message AFTER Dec 8th can still join in on Dec 22. But you will need to email me so I can send you the rules and army sheets so you are ready to go on the 22nd. And If you have any questions feel free to email me at .