Newb questions

By Denim Demon, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Just played our first 2 sessions of Descent and i have a couple questions i hope someone will help me with.

If you are killed on the first turn that you are turned into a monkey do you go to town and revert back to your character?

Can you play traps anytime during a players movement or do you have to wait for them to finish moving?


if you are killed, you turn back to tamalir with full healt and fatigue and with NO status. so you turn back in to a human

the trap SPACE card can be played when a specific hero enter in a space. so you can block your player in every time he move from he's startin square saing to him "stop there, i play trap X"

note space trap cant be played in a space adiacen an obstacle like other rocks or pits

Jack and THE Hammer said:

if you are killed, you turn back to tamalir with full healt and fatigue and with NO status. so you turn back in to a human

Correct, when a monkey-hero dies, he returns to life as his regular old self (which is not necessarily human ;P)

Jack and THE Hammer said:

the trap SPACE card can be played when a specific hero enter in a space. so you can block your player in every time he move from he's startin square saing to him "stop there, i play trap X"

note space trap cant be played in a space adiacen an obstacle like other rocks or pits

Actually, the restriction about not playing the trap adjacent to other obstacles is specifically part of the Crushing Block card. AFAIK there is no such restriction on any other space trap cards. Yes, this does mean that you can play a pit beside a CB, but you can't play a CB beside a pit.

Thanks for the quick responses - you guys rock!

@ Denim Demon

You're wellcome :)


i'm never using that card before, so good to know ;)