If you have the game and want to share advice on how to win a game, this is the place!
Tactical advice anyone?
1. Crush your eniemes.
2. See them driven before you.
3. Hear the lamentation of the women.
I have not played yet. But one thing I would try is if you win init. on the very first turn, let your oppenent move first. He has to move a unit on the board and will have nothing to shoot at first activation. Then you can move a unit on and try to take his unit out.
Don't forget to use cover! You can use the corner of an obstacle tile as cover against attackers, giving your unit the Soft Cover benefit.
Initiative is critical; also taking a shoot-shoot action if you have a clear line of site can take down an enemy tank left in the open. This game is extremely bloody. Our first game using the initial scenario last no more than 20 minutes. The more cover you can put on the board the more survivable your units will be.
The whole world has there box of dust fun apart from me, cries and sits in a corner, when postman arrives im gonna tear his arms of getting at it.
Ken on Cape said:
1. Crush your eniemes.
2. See them driven before you.
3. Hear the lamentation of the women.
This. In this order. Or with 2 before 1. 3 must always be last...... 5 is right out.
I haven't played yet, but it seems that the Allies have to be a little more careful with their movement.
Allied Tactics: Keep the BBQ squad alive at all cost. Attach Joe Brown to give them some extra hits. Find and stay in terrain, hard cover preferable, and let them come to you. If you have to advance screen them with the recon squad as its almost useless anyways. This squad has almost eliminated an entire axis army in a single round of combat by it's self. Axis response is to stay the hell away from it and try to wipe it out with long range fire.
realizing how the dice work , you have to think just as hard about what your opponent will do next turn as you do this turn .
if i have a squade at full or near full strength , and i can move it to a space that is safe from attack THIS turn , i am willing to allow my opponent to move one of his squads next turn to attack it with a move and attack action . i wait to activate this unit untill after the enemy squad has made its move to attack . i use it to draw opponents out knowing that the dice are fickle , so i can usually count on only moderate wounds , leaving me with about 3 squad members . by getting him to move and attack to get at me , i have denied my opponent the chance to do a sustained attack . then when its my turn , i do a sustained attack and can usually cripple a squad .
it doesnt alsways work , but more offten than not it can seriously hurt your opponent , and thow their game off .