RtL -- Heros killing heros, do you allow it?

By Dragontooth, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

There are many situations in RtL where the hero player really wants to die and the OL want to keep the hero alive. Some examples that come to mind:

(1) Getting rid of a cursed relic in the final dungeon
(2) Fighting multiple Lts under time pressure
(3) A webbed hero stuck in a dungeon
(4) Immediately prior to the final battle, so as to go into the final battle at full health
and I'm sure there are many more I haven't seen or thought of. The obvious move for the heros in this situation is to kill each other. The rules and FAQ seem notably silent on whether this is legal. I'm sure that this has come up often enough that most groups must have a consensus on what is allowed in this situation. So, my question is, does your group allow heros to attack and kill each other? Are heros allowed to commit suicide (by jumping into pits or other means)? If neither of the above, do you allow your heros any other options to deal with these situations?

Dragontooth said:

There are many situations in RtL where the hero player really wants to die and the OL want to keep the hero alive. Some examples that come to mind:

(1) Getting rid of a cursed relic in the final dungeon
(2) Fighting multiple Lts under time pressure
(3) A webbed hero stuck in a dungeon
(4) Immediately prior to the final battle, so as to go into the final battle at full health
and I'm sure there are many more I haven't seen or thought of. The obvious move for the heros in this situation is to kill each other. The rules and FAQ seem notably silent on whether this is legal. I'm sure that this has come up often enough that most groups must have a consensus on what is allowed in this situation. So, my question is, does your group allow heros to attack and kill each other? Are heros allowed to commit suicide (by jumping into pits or other means)? If neither of the above, do you allow your heros any other options to deal with these situations?

We've never had such a situation.
1. The Heroes deliberately ignored all chests in the final dungeon in the one game I had Dark Relic available.
2. A handful of healing potions in the Bag of Holding generally means that the OL shrugs, and takes the CT for the kill rather than leaving wounded heroes. It might not be quite optimal, but its taking the crumbs rather than risking getting nothing trying for the whole cake. The truly desperate battles ahve usually seen the heroes crush the weaker Lts first, without too much damage, then take on the hardest last. The only exception was when the first Lt almost TPKed the Lts and 'went for it' killing 3 outright and only a miss saved the last, who killed that Lt.
3. Web is so rare, Slaggoroth excepted, (spiders are more or less unspawnable most of the time) that getting rid of it has never been a major issue.
4. Final battles are so one sided we don't bother with such cheesiness.

Ruleswise it is perfectly legal for a hero to kill another hero or to commit suicide via pits or the like.

We've done it before, though it's pretty rare. It's a perfectly legal tactic, and can be necessary in some situations.

agreed. the first descent rulebook allow to heroes to kill each others

dark relic will never be permanent, it's a way to make 2 things to happen:

1) denied a specific hero to have a treasure reward

2) make the cursed hero prey to be killed. at first time probably he'll want to survive, after see how bad he's live can be with a dark relic he'll commit suicide given at the OL more victory points.

same stuff for the other situation, if the heroes want' to die and give their Vp at the OL so badly...why not?

Even in the Final battle VP have a good use so again....Why not?