Need for an aswer

By ElricOfMelnibone, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Easy question, but I couldn't find any aswer on the rulebooks...

How many coins does the party get in Advanced Campaign, when it gets a coin pile? On the base rulebook it says each party member gets 100 coins. In Road to Legend and Sea of Blood rulebooks its unspecified.

If it were 100XParty Member, it would be 400 coins. Or is it 100 coins for the whole party, since their coins reserve is just one?

Till now we've played getting only 100 coins...but a clear answer to the question would be appreciated.

400 gold coins.

wtf is wrong with this forum?

If I may, what are you exactly refetting to with something being wrong with this forum?

By the way, thanks for the answer. I always interpreted it the other way around. This makes things much...different...

sorry, it wasn't referring to you. it's just that i couldn't properly edit my post.

This forum's software was built using the Descent framework. It gets the job done but if you try to get fancy it'll break down.


James McMurray said:

This forum's software was built using the Descent framework. It gets the job done but if you try to get fancy it'll break down.

strange, i edit my post constantly (to correct grammar error at the most) and it works perfectly (exept the caopy/paste tool)

It usually only goes haywire if you try to edit a post where you've used the quote function.