last night i've win over my player at RTL . one of them take to my attention two things he belive is a big bug in the game. So i'd like to have your opinions about it
First at all. the "flawless victory bug"
"In a few week, without sieging city and moving the LT, the OL will buy new liutenant (the farrow family than cost less if the others are still alive) and keep them in his lair. When they are 3 or more, the OL simply move all of them simultanely on tamalir and win the game in 2/3 turn because"
When my players choose to attack liutennats, befor starting the battle they choose how many LT they want to fight. between this battles (if we've done correctly) the heroes can NOT heal (because we consideret all as ONE big battle) and dead heroes will not come back
so if the Heroes will able to kick-back 2 of them, the others still remain and place siege token or the Ol trow the dice if are just enogh ST on tamalir
Second: "crushing blow" bug
This card, as all of you just know, will discard the treasure the target hero carry with him. So expecialy in the LT encounther, the heroes will loss 1/2 of their best equipment. so they will never able to get ready to save the city or face LT o Dungeon level
So with this 2 bugs, for the heroes it impossible to win.
Is he right?