Guard Action and Attacking

By Adadun, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

This came up the other night while playing with a few friends. Can you during your turn declare a guard action and attack 1 creature without moving your character? Or can you only declare the guard action?

This seems a little fuzzy to us playing. We believe you can declare a guard action and move, but we're not sure about declaring and attacking without moving?

We're all just starting out with the game, so there may be many more questions I can't find answers to to come.

Thank you for any input you can give me.

You get 2 actions so you could do any of the following:

Attack and move

attack and set guard (or any of the ready actions)

move and set guard


attack and attack ( battle)

move and move ( run)

Awesome! Thank you very much!

Adadun said:

This came up the other night while playing with a few friends. Can you during your turn declare a guard action and attack 1 creature without moving your character? Or can you only declare the guard action?

This seems a little fuzzy to us playing. We believe you can declare a guard action and move, but we're not sure about declaring and attacking without moving?

We're all just starting out with the game, so there may be many more questions I can't find answers to to come.

Thank you for any input you can give me.

Guard is an Order, not an Action.

You can place a Guard order during a Ready Action. When you declare a Ready action you get to choose to either gain Movement Points equal to your speed or to gain 1 attack, plus, you get to place 1 Order token.
So it is possible to attack, then place a Guard order.

DJitD pg8
D. Ready
A hero that readies can either [move up to a number of spaces equal to his speed]* or [make 1 attack] during his turn. In addition, a hero that readies may place one hero order token face up next to his hero on the board. The order may be placed at any time during his turn.

*Actually, gain MP equal to his speed

A guard order may be used (expended) to make an attack during the OLs turn . It cannot be used to make an attack during your own turn or another hero's turn.