This is my first time on these forums so i'm not sure if this has come up before but we use a system we call the Quick Death system where each wound taken from a single blow over the targets toughness bonus also causes a criticle of that type on that location. We have found that this makes the weapons feel alot more dangerous and reallistic as a bolt pistol doing 9 wounds to a tb 3 enemy does 6 levels of explosive criticles to whatever area usually resulting in death or extreme injury.
It also gets round the problem of losing all your wounds to a bolt pistol and recieving no lasting penalties and then having your leg ripped off by a club which just doesnt seem to make much sense.
In order to offset this making it to difficult it has been coupled with increasing the regeneration rate of fate points (you can come up with you own way but we have been regenerating at midnight local time).
I didnt come up with this system and take no credit for the idea but I was wondering what the community at large thought of it although I can imagine there would be quite alot of people who disagree with it.