Differences between cards in different version of the base game.

By Dragon-D1, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi all, I recently bought another copy of the base game since my copy was rather beat up, once my new copy arrived I noticed the date of publish on the rule book was before my old copy. After noting this I decided to check the cards to see if there were any differences. I found a few, the question is are the cards from the newer version (my older version) correct? Here are the cards and the differences:

Subterfuge Skill Card - Acrobat: Added phrase "(but not other props, such as scything blades or boulders)". This is just clarification for later expansions to the game, so I include this for a sense of completeness.

Item Card - Bow: The newer version adds "Pierce 1".

Gold Treasure Item Card - Dragon Scale Armor: Newer version - +4 Armor, base speed reduced to 3, cannot equip Runes, immune to Bleed, Burn, and Poison; Older Version - +3 Armor, base speed reduced to 4, immune to Poison and Burn.

Silver Treasure Item Card - Bow of Bone: Newer version removes - "2 surges: Burn".

Silver Treasure Item Card - Golden Armor: Newer Version - +3 Armor, base speed reduced to 3, cannot equip Runes, immune to Grapple and Daze; Older version - +3 Armor, base speed reduced to 4, immune to Grapple.

Creature Card - Beastman (both cards) - The newer version replace "Pierce 1" with "+1 Damage", and "Pierce 2" with "+2 Damage".

Creature Card - Skeleton (both cards) - Newer version adds "Peirce 1" to the regular creatures, and "Pierce 2" to the Master creatures.

Creature Card - Dragon (both cards) - Newer version reduce the Peirce of the Master creatures to 5 (from 6).

Thanks for any clarification.

Those changes were all made when the Well of Darkness expansion was published; the expansion comes with replacement cards with the updated text (though newer printings of the base game already have the new versions), and the changes are also listed in the FAQ/errata document downloadable from the Descent support page.

Thanks, that helps a lot! aplauso.gif

Sorry, I just realized my question is not done. I got all the expansions for Descent (but not the separate extra heroes) the expansions had replacements for all the cards mentioned above except the Dragon Creature Reference Card.

So, which version of the Dragon should I use?

Thanks in advance.

I just looked through the latest FAQ and it doesn't mention the Dragon card.

I just had a look at my dragon cards and they all say Pierce 5.

Yeah, I guess I am just going to use the Dragon from my old game (which is actually the newer game).

My master dragons have Pierce 5, and I have a copy of the base game that didn't include the card changes.

There's very little practical difference between Pierce 5 and Pierce 6, though; it's possible but uncommon for a hero to have 6+ armor.