Got my hands on a fresh copy of Signs of Faith last night.
First off, the set is top notch. There's some great content, the new careers look fun, new party sheets etc. The gods of the empire are varied and fantastic and some of the ways the cards are used are selling me on priesthoods I might never consider (I dig that Taal/Rheya are Red/Green sides of cards, meaning you get 2 separate spells every time you pick up an action card. its pretty interesting).
But what impressed me most of all were the Diseases. In all honesty crits so far haven't shaken the game up much in my demos and play. Many of our draws are nagging injuries which take a while to heal but are usually minor in their effect. I understand that not every crit involves ruptured spleen, but a nice big gore spatter once in a while would be fun. Similarly miscasts, while damaging, flavorful and possibly causing permanent problems (yay mutations!) don't have that 'belly deep fear' factor.
Diseases do. They are small things these cards, but while I've read entire other books' sections on mummy rot, filth fever etc, on that tiny card they convey the disease in spine-shivering flavor, and they manage to scare me. I really, really, really don't want to see my character get sick. Taint can be permanent, and mutation is a death sentence, but sweet shallaya diseases are scary (and disgusting).
It really drives home the fact that this isn't a ren-faire with elves and dwarves and heroes with shiny white teeth. The teeth rot, the beggars smell like dung, and many of the people on the sides of the street have pus oozing down their faces, and rotting gangrene in their wounds. It really helps increase the 'gritty' factor of the setting and the game.
Just want to say - amazingly good job on these. I dare say there is no more horrific way for a character to die, and I look forward to seeing them in play.