The "Retreat" Event Card

By oosie, in StarCraft


My apologies upfront if this question has been asked before, but I had some issues with searching the forums...

If the Attacker tries to attack an Area with more units than the area's Unit Limit and the Defender in that Area plays the "Retreat" Event Card effectively cancelling the battle, who gets to retreat first, as the Attacker has moved into the Area with more units than the area's Unit Limit?

I'm asking this question as I want to verify if the following taken from the FAQ applies to this as well:

  • Q: Who retreats first at the end of a battle if the defender has an assist unit and the attacker is exceeding the areas unit-limit?
  • A: Retreating due to exceeding stacking limits happens after all defending units have retreated.

One could interpret this as there was no "end of a battle" as the battle has been canceled and thus did not take place.


I believe the Defender gets to retreats first since you played teh card. Then the attacker would withdraw his excess units.

I need some clarification on this, because I recently had the same problem. I attacked from a different planet and he activated the event card. Does he withdraw or first, or do I? And do I "retreat" or "withdrawn", in the sense that I may move units in excess to a different planet? Do I withdraw at all or are they destroyed?

We resolve this Event Card in the following way:

Battle is canceled , so that you can't resolve retreats like during battle. You just have to follow instructions on the card. There is no word about retreat of attacking units - only defender has to do that. All units of attacking player have to stay in the area. If attacker wasn't carefull enough, he probably exceeded unit limit for the contested area and now he has to choose which units to destroy.

Thanks, cyb3k! gui%C3%B1o.gif

hi, just want to see it`s your understanding or told from some FAQ?

cause it make the Retreat Event card very powerful…