A Tour of Lovecraft's New England

By DonovanLoucks, in Arkham Nights

I just wanted to take a moment to shamelessly promote my presentation this Saturday evening at Arkham Nights. I'll be giving a slideshow of about 70 locations in New England that were relevant to H. P. Lovecraft’s life and work. See Lovecraft’s homes and grave, the Shunned House, the home of Charles Dexter Ward, and other places that inspired Arkham, Kingsport, Innsmouth, and Dunwich. If anyone needs a break from the non-stop gaming (or can't get into a scheduled slot), perhaps you'll enjoy the slideshow!

Donovan K. Loucks
Webmaster, The H. P. Lovecraft Archive

Shameless promotion noted. Sounds interesting.

I'm sorry to have missed the presentation I was stuck on the Streets of Insanity while it was going on!

Well, my presentation wasn't promoted in advance, so no one could've planned to attend it. If it wasn't for the couple of oral announcements made about it earlier that day and the fact that a few people couldn't get into a gaming slot, no one would've attended it...

I planned on attending it and had no idea where or when it was being held.

Hopefully more non gaming activities that are relevant like this can take place in the future and I urge you to try again next year. Its a great idea and I am sad that I missed it.

I really would have liked to see this, but I bowed out early on Saturday due to overdose of caffeine and not enough food.

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